标签:servic - 华人论坛


Warehouse Fulfilment Servic是什么意思

在加拿大 各位大神,想问下有个印度客户问warehouse fulfilment service是什么意思? 评论 是仓库物流专递服务的意思 评论 字面就是仓储服务。具体的话,只要看这段话的上下文,不难判读了...华人论坛


Personal Beautification Services Business For Sale

在加拿大 This established business opportunity is ideal for a sales and service oriented individual who connects well with people and has an understanding of the benefits vanity can have on a person's well being, self image, confidence, and esteem. V...华人论坛


上门理发 服务到家/Home Haircut Service

在加拿大 常年提供上门理发服务。 一流的手艺,一流的服务,亲民的价格,为出门困难的老人、孩子以及宅男、手机控一族提供服务,天不好,进门服务;天好,阳光下服务。欢迎大家来电咨询...华人论坛


TD Mortgage and Investment service

在加拿大 Contact info:5146776755 评论 回复: TD Mortgage and Investment service 信息太少了 评论 蒙特利尔,我的新生活http://blog.sina.com.cn/repluie信息太少了点击展开...谢谢提醒 我在南岸brossardTD银行,主要能够...华人论坛



在加拿大 Strong hiring in the services sector boosted the number of jobs created in Canada last month to a higher-than-expected 14,200 while the unemployment rate fell to 6.1 percent from 6.2 percent in January, Statistics Canada said on Friday. 加拿...华人论坛