Demand from homebuyers has skyrocketed this year, which means today’s sellers are poised to win big. This ideal moment in time to sell your house won’t last forever, though. With more sellers coming to the market in the spring, waiting until next year means buyers will have more choices, so your home may not stand out from the crowd. If you plan to move, call me today to discuss why now may be the right time to make a move on your terms. 今年因为疫情买房人急剧增加,对于打算卖房的投资客或需要搬家的人是卖房的绝佳时机。 等到明年的话可能市场会有更多的房子,不确定性增加。 考虑卖房的话,请马上联系我,捉供免费估价分析具体市场情况。 你知道哪些房屋的装修更新是最讨喜当前买家的吗?有些卖家在房子上市前考虑过做一些必要的更新来提升价值,但苦于现金流的缘故不能实现。我有独特的不用垫付资金的方法使卖主在卖房前无忧提升房子的品相和整体价值,获得投资回报最大化。 欲知详情联系我,电话818.689.1054 并提供免费的房屋估价
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