加拿大华人论坛 加拿大新闻疫情失控航班超市咖啡厅频频中招


(综合)在周二(11月3日)BC省例行疫情通报会上,省副卫生官Réka Gustafson同省卫生厅长狄德安(Adrian Dix) 发表联合声明,指BC省在过去的1天里,新增确诊病例299例,包括4例与流行病学相关  (Epi-linked) 的病例,全省累计确诊总数达到15,800例,新增死亡3人,累计死亡272人。




特鲁多对加拿大很多不遵守防疫规定的人发出警告,并恳请所有国民限制社交接触,将人数控制在“绝对必要”的范围内,并下载使用新冠病毒追踪手机应用程序(COVID Alert APP)。


温哥华Nemesis Coffee暴露病毒已关闭

据DailyHive报道,温哥华最受欢迎的咖啡店Nemesi Coffee,在获知在煤气镇(Gas Town)和北温店暴露病毒后已经关门暂停营业。

Nemesi Coffee 周日(11月2日)在推特上发布消息称,尽管温哥华沿岸卫生局(Vancouver Coastal Health,简称VCH)并没有要求关闭门店,但出于谨慎考虑,公司决定暂时关闭位于煤气镇和北温Polygon Gallery门店,对两家咖啡店进行彻底的清洁和消毒,重开日期尚未确定。

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To our Fam, We have just learned that we had a COVID-19 exposure at both of our locations. Upon finding out we instantly contacted Vancouver Coastal Health, and they have ensured us that there isn't any immediate risk to you, our patrons. Furthermore, VCH has also said that we are not required to close. However, we strongly feel that the health and safety of our team and our community, is and always will be our top priority.⠀ We feel that we need to take all the extra precautionary measures and be socially responsible. Therefore, we have decided to voluntarily close our Gastown and Polygon locations until further notice and when it is safe to do so. In the meantime, we will be making sure our family is healthy and we will be conducting additional deep clean/sanitation of both of our locations. Please rest assured that we went to great lengths to create a comprehensive safety plan to ensure a safe home for our employees and patrons. As always, thank you for your ongoing support through these extremely challenging times. We’re certainly all in this together. We hope to see you all again soon and we will keep you posted on reopening. ⠀ Stay safe, sending you all our love. -Nemesis 💙.

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