
根据NS省的警报内容:警方正在 Haliburton Hills 和 Hammonds Plains 之间的树林里,和Hubley地区的Omega Court 地区调查几起枪击案。居民请呆在家中确保安全,不要外出,直到接到其他消息。#BREAKING: Nova Scotia has activated its emergency alert system as police respond to multiple unconfirmed reports of shots fired in the Halifax regional municipality.https://t.co/u1MiR20443
— Globalnews.ca (@globalnews) April 24, 2020
随后有媒体报道称,共有3处枪击案在NS省首府 哈利法克斯(Halifax)附近。


RCMPNS are responding to report of shots fired (unconfirmed) in the Haliburton Heights area of #HammondsPlains. #Tantallon RCMP on scene asking residents to stay inside.
— RCMP, Nova Scotia (@RCMPNS) April 24, 2020
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