A suspicious package was located at Waterfront Station this morning, so the station was closed. Police dog Strider let us know that all was safe (it turned out to be scrap metal). The station is now fully open again. @VancouverPD responding to media inquiries. https://t.co/D4XYglOQfF
— Metro Vancouver Transit Police (@TransitPolice) January 12, 2021
#Seabus #StationAlert #SkyTrain Waterfront Station is now open. All services have resumed. Thank-you for your patience. ^DA
— TransLink BC | Masks Mandatory (@TransLink) January 12, 2021
Transit Police dog Strider is one of seven @MVTPK9 explosive detection dogs. They all work hard to keep the transit system safe and deal with suspicious items quickly to keep the system moving. pic.twitter.com/XmxxAzaIgH
— Metro Vancouver Transit Police (@TransitPolice) January 12, 2021
去年12月,高贵林(Coquitlam)发生一起严重交通事故, 两个孩子在车祸中受伤仍陷入昏迷中。

·新西兰新闻 【实时更新】飓风预计今晚登录澳洲 布里斯班街道已空无一人
·新西兰新闻 致两名投资者被骗近200万纽币 奥克兰61岁男子获洗钱罪名