加拿大华人论坛 加拿大新闻缅甸"最血腥一日"1天39死 火烧陆资工厂有内情




  军警把枪口对准示威者,街上随处可见流血受伤民众,这已经不是战场,而是大屠杀。 A man who was shot during the security force crackdown on anti-coup protesters shows a three-finger salute as he is helped in Thingangyun, Yangon, Myanmar March 14, 2021. Picture taken on March 14, 2021. REUTERS/Stringer pic.twitter.com/5y4VaGS17f

  — Wa Lone (@walone4) March 15, 2021

  缅甸14日写下政变以来最血腥的一天,哪里有示威抗议,军方的枪口就跟到哪里,持续开火镇压,周日一天就有38人成为枪下亡魂。 Myanmar military brutally cracked down on anti-coup protesters in Myin Chan, two men and one woman have been confirmed dead by gun shots. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar#Mar15Coup pic.twitter.com/TaOuUys9ea

  — Hnit Hnit (@HnitHnit2) March 15, 2021


  排华的怒火也烧进仰光莱达雅的工业区,数十名身份不明人士骑机车闯入陆资工厂,四处打砸烧,甚至拿棍棒斧头攻击厂内员工,至少有20间工厂遭到破坏,缅甸军政府周日晚间宣布对仰光两个城镇实施戒严。 “It was horrible. People were shot before my eyes. It will never leave my memory,” said one photojournalist on the scene. https://t.co/Au59mV94V3 #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar

  — Matthew Tostevin (@TostevinM) March 15, 2021

  不过民众拍照指证,是军人穿着便服进入工厂放的火,根本缅甸军方自导自演。 Here is the proof of police fired on China factory and other places. China only care about their factory and their business. They were silent when Myanmar Citizens are killed. China is with Junta.#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #RejectMilitaryCoup pic.twitter.com/x5Etr7L1v6

  — Win Thida (@WinThida13) March 15, 2021 ??????????? ??????? - ??????????? ???????

  This is happening in the early morning in Yangon, Myanmar. Seems a war zone. Please see what is happening in Myanmar.#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #March15Coup

  Photo - Crd pic.twitter.com/WwbEpYyvrX

  — MELLON (@mway_hom_phway) March 15, 2021



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