提起加拿大安省多倫多King City的Chris Saccoccia,疫情期間可是出了大名!
自從疫情開始加拿大各地封鎖防疫,Chris Saccoccia就一直在全國各地巡游,抗議口罩、反封鎖,反疫苗,反對檢查。
Going live from ontario Manitoba checkpoint 1 hour https://t.co/URtoUT3icc pic.twitter.com/0Adr3zm5Os
— Chris Sky (@chrissaccoccia1) April 26, 2021
The rally is set to serve as a stop on Chris "Sky" Saccoccia's "Freedom Convoy" that made stops in Medicine Hat and Maple Creek earlier Saturday.
— 620 CKRM (@620ckrm) April 24, 2021
Read More: https://t.co/prZkKJ1Tq9#COVID19 #Sask
Chris Sky in the House
— Dan Dicks (@DanDicksPFT) April 21, 2021
Watch live: https://t.co/9Q83A0R8Mx pic.twitter.com/oUDzhQ2mph
Amazing rally in Vancouver tonight with an amazing freedom fighter. Thanks to this man for standing up for all of us and helping to show us how to #JUSTSAYNO #UNITEDUNCOMPLIANCE #TRUDEAUCORRUPTION #FREEDOMCANADA #NoMasks #NoVaccinePassports #NoMasksInClass pic.twitter.com/5ym2B66Xrw
— DLM 🇨🇦 (@baracudabarbie) April 21, 2021
Dozens of unmasked people came out to greet anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine activist Chris Saccoccia ("Sky") in Maple Creek, #Saskatchewan this afternoon. About 10 minutes into his video diary, he offered a hitchhiker a ride to Regina and appears to have hugged a baby. #skpoli pic.twitter.com/ImOb2O5nvp
— Guy Quenneville (@gqinsk) April 24, 2021
Please RT
— MasksOverHugs (@HugsMasks) April 21, 2021
Chris Saccoccia (aka Sky) is planning on bullying his way from Vancouver to Winnipeg to speak at a rally.
BC has travel restrictions and MB has a 14-day quarantine for travellers from out of province. @rcmpgrcpolice @rcmpmb @Nat_Div_RCMP @winnipegpolice @BCRCMP pic.twitter.com/RwuWWrBao8
今天,警方證實,Chris Saccoccia在安省雷灣被捕,他被控違反承諾,並根據《緊急情況管理和民事保護法》面臨指控。
Anti-masker Chris (Sky) Saccoccia arrested in Thunder Bay after speaking at rally. Said he was told upon entering Ontario not to host any rallies in the province, which is under an emergency order. https://t.co/MeHLntCvjh
— Barry Tango (@urbanmode) April 28, 2021
但是,他自己說(在社交媒體上他的名字為Chris Sky),政府試圖偷偷摸摸地非法逮捕,他堅持他們的抗議計劃,並對我們的政府腐敗進行嘲笑!
Government TRIED a sneaky illegal warrant and targeted arrest by RCMP. But I was on to their scheme, took precautions and made another mockery of our government corruption! :D https://t.co/URtoUT3icc pic.twitter.com/bRIPdOiUwS
— Chris Sky (@chrissaccoccia1) April 22, 2021
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