
Extinction Rebellion protesters have been blocking major thoroughfares in B.C. But is this the best approach to protesting? https://t.co/MU6sXKjjQL
— CBC British Columbia (@cbcnewsbc) May 4, 2021
Drivers forced to drive around Extinction Rebellion protesters on busy Swansea roads - Wales Online - https://t.co/4G9OmllYFu #Protest #Resist
— The Revolution Will Not Be Monetised (@WeResistNews) May 4, 2021
Extinction Rebellion protesters arrested today for protesting on the sidewalk. Two more days of Spring Rebellion. Time is running out. pic.twitter.com/qRPo1Qo6f0
— Jillian Maguire (@browning_jilli) May 4, 2021
Spring Rebellion coming to Vancouver—inspired by UK Climate activists @RogerHallamCS21 @gailbradbrook@XRVancouverBC blocks intersection Georgia & Granville as part of weeklong actions #bcpoli #yvr #yyj https://t.co/IExWrZ0pzR
— Climate Watcher (@pmagn) May 2, 2021
Some sights from the beginning of today's Spring Rebellion day 2 - ACT NOW sit-in on the Granville Bridge. Act now means halting biodiversity loss and emissions to 0 by 2025. It means transformation.
— Extinction Rebellion Vancouver (@XRVancouverBC) May 3, 2021
Love and rage!
Music: Small Town Artillery pic.twitter.com/8IafGYOe2a
Police arrest eight Extinction Rebellion Vancouver protesters for blocking Granville Bridge #Granville #Vancouver #ExtinctionRebellionhttps://t.co/jrtL6zYy4W
— Georgia Straight (@georgiastraight) May 3, 2021
·生活百科 疯狂地决定太阳能!
·生活百科 有热水系统的燃烧室吗?