
在BC省坎盧普斯一所前原住民寄宿學校遺址發現無標記墳墓 215 名兒童遺骸之後,今天,加拿大總理特魯多發推特,宣布所有加國聯邦政府的加拿大國旗降半旗,以悼念215名不幸慘死的原住民兒童。
To honour the 215 children whose lives were taken at the former Kamloops residential school and all Indigenous children who never made it home, the survivors, and their families, I have asked that the Peace Tower flag and flags on all federal buildings be flown at half-mast.
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) May 30, 2021
加拿大遺產部(Department of Canadian Heritage)周日發表的一份聲明說,這一行動是“為了紀念成千上萬被送往寄宿學校的兒童,為那些從未回來的人,並為永遠受到影響的家庭表示敬意。”
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