(加西網綜合)加拿大皇家騎警確認9月26日凌晨在 UBC大學 發生嚴重車禍,造成兩人死亡。SW Marine 現在雙向關閉。

騎警說在凌晨1:45接到一個電話, 在UBC 植物園附近的西南海洋大道(South West Marine Drive)一帶,指現場有一輛汽車撞倒兩名行人。

BREAKING 2:45am: there’s been a bad crash on SW Marine Drive just west of the @UBC Botanical Garden. It’s closed in both directions. No other details have been provided to me at this time. Stay with @NEWS1130 & @CityNewsVAN for the latest. pic.twitter.com/0fhOusSU42
— BEN WILSON (@benwilson1130) September 26, 2021

到周日上午 9 點 30 分,仍有幾輛警車在現場,警察仍在現場。校園保安正在協助繞行交通。
進行調查期間,沿 Agronomy Rd 附近 SW Marine Drive 的雙向交通都已關閉。預計上午11點左右重新開放。
BREAKING 2:45am: there’s been a bad crash on SW Marine Drive just west of the @UBC Botanical Garden. It’s closed in both directions. No other details have been provided to me at this time. Stay with @NEWS1130 & @CityNewsVAN for the latest. pic.twitter.com/WYu3L0fvOB
— BEN WILSON (@benwilson1130) September 26, 2021
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