(加西網綜合)周六,有市民在溫市中心溫哥華會議中心西大樓旁邊的海域看到了幾頭虎鯨(Orca whales)。
眾所周知,鯨魚偶爾會漫步到 Burrard Inlet,但在溫哥華市中心中央海濱的海岸線附近很少能看到它們。
有網友在社交媒體上發布視頻,說他們在會議中心和水上飛機碼頭,看到虎鯨至少游弋了 15 分鍾。
Whoa! Captured by a reader: orca whales were spotted today, swimming at the Coal Harbour seaplane terminal, right next to Vancouver Convention Centre. 🐋 pic.twitter.com/GAqmiTzwyg
— Kenneth Chan (@iamkennethchan) October 10, 2021
Before reaching the Coal Harbour seaplane terminal, the orca whales 🐋 were spotted swimming in front of Vancouver Convention Centre, just below the Digital Orca statue at Jack Poole Plaza.http://t.co/7vf8ZXlCjj
— Kenneth Chan (@iamkennethchan) October 10, 2021
鯨魚觀察員說,它們最終越過斯坦利公園前往第一海峽(First Narrows)和伯拉德灣 (Burrard Inlet),他們本來可以去任何地方的。在發現它們之前,它們可能已經在這裡呆了一段時間。
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