加拿大华人论坛 加拿大新闻小心驾驶!多伦多50个测速摄像头又换地方了!




最新数据显示,多伦多每个月仍有数万人被测速摄像头捕捉到,7 月开出18,619张罚单,8月开出18,114 张。这与6月份的26,566张门票相比显著下降,因为6月是测速摄像头移至新一轮地点的第一个月,之后超速司机明显减少。

除罚单总量降低以外,屡犯者的人数也从6月份的2,445人下降到7月份的 1,211 人,到8月份再降为 764 人。


但是预计罚单数量在 11 月可能会再次飙升,因为那时候届时测速摄像头将移动到第四轮新位置,这些位置是根据过去的碰撞统计数据、交通量、公众要求等选择的。

根据多伦多the city's map,到11月计划中的 50 个测速摄像头新位置如下:

Lawrence Ave. E. East of Mildenhall Rd.

Avenue Rd. South of Caribou Rd.

Glenmount Ave. Near Madoc Dr.

Banbury Rd. Near Portsmith Rd.

Scarsdale Rd. South of York Mills Rd.

Westwood Ave. West of Carlaw Ave.

Bathurst St. Near Ardmore Rd.

Donlands Ave. Near Memorial Park Ave.

Davenport Rd. Near Bishop St.

Arlington Ave. South of Durham Ave.

Cosburn Ave. West of Binswood Ave.

Isabella St. West of Sherbourne St.

O'Connor Dr. Near Wakunda Place.

Oakwood Ave. Near Biggar Ave.

Wallingford Rd. North of Cassandra Blvd.

Dufferin St. North of Norton Ave.

Faywood Blvd. Near Norcross Rd.

Queen St. E. Near Sackville St.

Senlac Rd. South of Horsham Ave.

Beverley St. Near D'Arcy St.

Dewey Dr. East of Pharmacy Ave.

Brian Dr. North of Clydesdale Dr.

Victoria Park Ave. North of Old Sheppard Ave.

Givins St. South of Argyle St.

Birchmount Rd. South of Ellendale Dr.

Cactus Ave. North of Moore Park Ave.

Queens Quay East of Bathurst St.

Lawrence Ave. W. East of Martini Dr.

Sheppard Ave. W. East of Buckland Rd.

Priscilla Ave. South of Dundas St. W.

Warden Ave. South of Glen Springs Dr.

Kingston Rd. East of Chine Dr.

Jane St. North of Clair Rd.

Jane St. South of Weatherell St.

Lockie Ave. East of Donalda Cres.

King St. South of George St

Yorkwoods Gate. East of Jane St.

Cathedral Bluffs Dr. South of Kingston Rd.

Bellamy Rd. N. South of Northleigh Dr.

Brimorton Dr. Near Amberjack Blvd.

Montgomery Rd. Near Loyalist Rd.

Royal York Rd. North of Coney Rd.

Nugget Ave. East of Transfer Place.

The Westway West of Brampton Rd.

Kipling Ave. South of Snaresbrook Dr.

Finch Ave. E. West of Neilson Rd.

Wickson Trail West of Brenyon Way

Birmingham St. West of Kipling Ave.

Silverstone Dr. North of Avening Dr.

Manse Rd. Near 292 Manse Rd.


  ·生活百科 来自原点的选择性率
·生活百科 太阳能池供暖