(加西網綜合)在周末風暴吹襲BC省南部海岸期間,一艘貨船超過 100 個集裝箱落水。 這些裝有沙發、撲克桌和汽車零件的集裝箱目前漂浮在溫哥華島北部海域。
根據加拿大海岸警衛隊今天修訂的數字,周末天氣惡劣,來自受災貨船 MV Zim Kingston 高達 100 多個集裝箱落水。
在周二對該船所處的海灣進行了廣泛的調查後,官員和打撈人員確認上層甲板上本應有的約 1,000 個集裝箱中丟失了 106個。之前的估計是 40 個集裝箱。
在集裝箱落水後不久, 這艘貨船船上集裝箱也於上周六發生了嚴重火災。
#CCGLive - A Coast Guard overflight of the #ZimKingston at 11:30 today shows smoldering but no visible flames in the containers. However, firefighters may find some active fire in the containers once they are able to board the ship. pic.twitter.com/PHjfjf6Fg7
— Canadian Coast Guard (@CoastGuardCAN) October 25, 2021
裝有危險物體的三個燃燒容器產生煙霧,被認為有危險後,16 名船員被迫離開這艘貨船。

(Canadian Coast Guard)
#CCGLive: With the fire under control, the #ZimKingston crew were able to safely access the container bays on the ship. They now believe that 106 containers went overboard, not 40. The number of containers with hazardous goods – two - has NOT changed. pic.twitter.com/vTpptmqBB6
— Canadian Coast Guard (@CoastGuardCAN) October 27, 2021
海岸警衛隊在這艘船周圍設立了一個 1 海裡的安全區,該船仍然停泊在距離維多利亞海岸約 8 公裡的海域。
#CCGLive : 6 firefighters were able to board the #ZimKingston last night as well as 7 crew from the ship. The Salvage Master and team will assess the situation today and estimate it may take several days to fully suppress smoldering and fires inside the containers. pic.twitter.com/aV4wU9NYEC
— Canadian Coast Guard (@CoastGuardCAN) October 26, 2021
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