(九爱加拿大网综合)还记得昨天温哥华的汽油价格飙升至每升 2.279 元吗?一夜之间,再次跃升至新的创纪录高点。
5 月 15 日星期日早上,大温地区的居民还在对周六的价格感到震惊,但现在他们惊呆了,看到了创记录的新高 - 2.339 元。
你昨天有没有加油? 每升2.279 元的油价新高已经翻篇了!
As predicted, B.C. gas prices set another all-time record on Saturday, with some stations in Metro Vancouver advertising gas for 227.9 cents per litre. http://t.co/2Hc2pfhV4L
— CTV News Vancouver (@CTVVancouver) May 15, 2022
上个月,温哥华的平均汽油成本每升上涨约 0.38 元,导致人们对大温地区的可负担性日益担忧。
高贵林港市长布拉德·韦斯特(Brad West)表示,天价的汽油价格“挤压了很多家庭的预算”。
1/Gas at 227.9 this morning in PoCo. Putting the squeeze on a lot of family budgets, but don’t forget for some advocates this is the goal. In fact, it’s not high enough. They want gas to be so expensive that most ordinary ppl can’t afford it and thus stop driving.
— Brad West (@BradWestPoCo) May 14, 2022
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