(九爱加拿大网综合)据DailyHive报道,近日,在温哥华市中心加拿大线(Canada Line)天车站门前出售小狗,引起公众的愤怒,还有人质疑以这种方式出售小狗是否合法。

推特(Twitter)用户@Finnsspace在推特上分享的图片显示,位于温哥华市中心格兰维尔街与乔治亚街交界处的(Granville & Georgia streets)的天车加拿大线温哥华市中心车站(Vancouver City Centre Station)门前有人卖小狗,一大群人聚集在小狗周围。据该网友称,这种情况已经出现了几周,大约有5到6只小狗,但不确定是否有人购买。
Hey @CityofVancouver these
— Kathryn (@Finnsspace) August 29, 2022
a$$holes are selling “fully trained” puppies at this sky train station. 3rd week in a row. @BC_SPCA says there is nothing they can do - it’s your bailiwick. I filed a report with you last week - *crickets* #puppies #stolenpuppies #puppymills #YVR pic.twitter.com/p6kaYkt21D
Unbelievable! They’re either stealing them or have some poor dog/s being bred constantly.
— Michelle (@YYJMichelle) August 30, 2022
许多人在看到这些照片后纷纷跟帖,其中包括动物权益律师丽贝卡⋅布雷德(Rebeka Breder)。
What? That’s crazy! Surely there’s something the city @CityofVancouver can do - like fining them for not having a business license. Where are these puppies from?! Stolen? Puppy mills? No reputable person would sell a dog to just any stranger at a sky train station!! http://t.co/5lVlMxnJET
— Rebeka Breder (@animallawcanada) August 30, 2022
布雷德(Rebeka Breder)指出,如果是在城市资产(city property)售卖,市府可以而且应该对此采取行动。并且,令人感到气愤的是,表面上是出售小狗,好像无关紧要。事实上,情况远不止于此。这些狗健康吗?有没有任何行为问题(behavioural issues)?

布雷德(Rebeka Breder)认为,此举还涉及动物福利方面的问题。没有信誉良好的饲养员或专业人士在街上向陌生人出售小狗。这是一个严重的涉及公共安全和动物福利问题。但遗憾的是,卖家的做法可能并没有违法。
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