8月26日在阿爾伯塔省的大草原城市,Chrystia Freeland一行人走進市政府辦公樓時,一名身材高大的男子緊跟著她罵罵咧咧,滿嘴臓話,稱她是叛徒,要她滾出阿爾伯塔。
加拿大皇家騎警表示正在調查副總理Chrystia Freeland在阿爾伯塔省被一名男子騷擾辱罵一事。
LOOK AGAIN: Chrystia Freeland in this clearer version smugly grinning as she’s verbally accosted in Alberta.
— Rowan (@canmericanized) August 27, 2022
Why? pic.twitter.com/8TKju0OUg9
網絡大V Daniel Bordman說:加拿大皇家騎警對這名對Chrystia Freeland說臓話的男子展開調查是一種可怕的濫用職權行為,實質上是將聯邦警察武器化為自由黨的工具。
The RCMP launching an investigation into the man who called Chrystia Freeland the C word is a horrifying abuse of power, essentially weaponizing the Federal police as a tool of the Liberal party.
— Daniel Bordman (@Ranting4Canada) August 31, 2022
與此同時,加拿大公共安全部長Marco Mendicino也透露,政府正在審議新的對內閣部長和議員的安保措施。
The RCMP says it's investigating after Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland was accosted in Alberta over the weekend by a man who repeatedly yelled profanity at her and called her a traitor. http://t.co/4EW9Fg6q9y
— CBC News (@CBCNews) August 30, 2022
Welcome to Calgary, Deputy Prime Minister! pic.twitter.com/SeQPS3Y5rB
— David Khan (@Dave_Khan) August 31, 2022
人權記者Keean Bexte 這兩天在阿省追蹤報道副總理方慧蘭,所到之處顯然增加了安保。
CAUGHT: Canada's Deputy Prime Minister has been skulking around Calgary trying to find an underground location to hold a Liberal fundraiser. I caught her at her hotel and asked a serious question that Canadians need answers to. pic.twitter.com/CtmFq1Cvfc
— Keean Bexte 🇳🇱 (@TheRealKeean) August 31, 2022
Chrystia Freeland 於昨天下午5 點 30 分將她的籌款活動搬到了卡爾加裡的 Eau Claire Garage 運動酒吧,因為當地的憤怒迫使她將活動轉移到地下。
Keean Bexte沒放棄,一路跟蹤,在卡爾加裡的籌款活動中,向困惑的艾伯塔人提出了一個非常簡單的問題。 自由黨為我們做了什麼?
I went to the most hated woman in Canada's (@cafreeland) fundraiser in Calgary to ask confused Albertans a very simple question. What have the Liberals done for us? The results speak for themselves. Sign up at http://t.co/vwIsKgpILJ for more. pic.twitter.com/MWUtktVURh
— Keean Bexte 🇳🇱 (@TheRealKeean) August 31, 2022
記者們窮追猛打:方副總理,當您通過減少 30% 的氮使用來遏制食物供應時會發生什麼? 請給個說法。 我們需要答案。
CAUGHT AGAIN! Answer the question @cafreeland, what happens when you curb stop the food supply by reducing nitrogen use by 30%? Answers. We need Answers. pic.twitter.com/ROQ1PyUnSI
— Keean Bexte 🇳🇱 (@TheRealKeean) August 31, 2022
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