

被总理贾斯汀·杜鲁多(Justin Trudeau)诽谤的加拿大人,他们正在以病毒式的推特趋势反击这一说法。
Canadians slandered by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for refraining the experimental COVID vaccines are taking back the narrative. Are you an "extremist" in your Prime Minister's eyes? http://t.co/m6pdCv0QtR
— Keean Bexte 🇬🇧 (@TheRealKeean) September 15, 2022
Todd Munday:我是一个 50 岁的加拿大人。 已婚并育有 3 个漂亮的孩子。 我受过大学教育,是一个律师。 我在我的社区做志愿者,并为有需要的人提供帮助。 根据杜鲁多先生的说法,我是一个极端主义者。
I am a 50 year-old Canadian. I am married and father to 3 beautiful children. I am university educated. I am a lawyer. I volunteer in my community and and benevolent to those in need. According to Mr Trudeau, I am an extremist. #TrudeauMustGo pic.twitter.com/hf5ShALLtD
— Todd Munday 🇨🇦🇺🇸🇨🇦🇺🇸 (@tmunday_todd) September 15, 2022
Jayde:我是一个 35 岁的加拿大人,一个寡妇,有五个孩子。 我受过大学教育,是一名会计。 我的孩子们都在家上学我自己教,根据杜鲁多的说法,我是一个需要处理的极端分子。
I'm a 35 year-old Canadian. I'm a widow and single mother to five. I am university educated. I'm an accountant. I homeschool my kids and I am a hockey mom. According to Trudeau, I'm an extremist who needs to be dealt with. #TrudeauMustGo pic.twitter.com/ZzymVM88Y7
— Jayde (@Mzzdefiant11) September 15, 2022
Andy Lee:我是一个 42 岁的单身母亲,有两个漂亮的混血孩子。 我用自己的时间和一毛钱编写、报告和运行播客。 在渥太华报道自由车队时,我的银行账户被冻结了。 根据贾斯汀杜鲁多的说法,我是一个需要处理的极端主义者。
I’m a 42 year old single mother with two beautiful mixed race children. I write, report and run a podcast on my own time and dime. I had my bank accounts frozen while covering the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa. According to Justin Trudeau, I’m an extremist that needs to be dealt with. pic.twitter.com/gWOHcvSRDt
— The Real Andy Lee Show (@RealAndyLeeShow) September 15, 2022
Bhavik:我是一个 42 岁的加拿大人,单身,受过大学教育,是一名财务规划师。 有一个家族企业,我们在 7 年前卖掉了。 根据杜鲁多的说法,我是一个需要处理的极端分子。 #TrudeauMustGo
I'm a 42year-old Canadian. I'm single. I am college educated. I'm a Financial Planner. Had a family business which we sold 7 years ago. According to Trudeau, I'm an extremist who needs to be dealt with. #TrudeauMustGo pic.twitter.com/GustBa6DMP
— Bhavik 🚛🇨🇦🚜🇳🇱 🐭X8 (@Bhavik0880) September 15, 2022
Brattani:我33 岁,单亲妈妈,矿工,有一个小农场,我来自BC省 北部的 Tahltan First Nation,我纳税,我爱耶稣,我有救援犬。 根据
I’m a 33 year old #singlemom, work in #mining. I have a little #farm and Iam from the Tahltan First Nation in northern #BC i pay my taxes, i love Jesus and i have rescue dogs. According to @JustinTrudeau this law abiding citizen is actually racist, misogynistic and intolerable 🤷🏻♀️ pic.twitter.com/z2YuFRWgSS
— Brattani (@Brittanirussel8) September 15, 2022
我38 岁,是一个丈夫,也是我3个孩子的父亲。 我在Telegram算是个小网红。杜鲁多认为我是一个持不可接受观点的恐怖分子。
I am a 38 year old husband and father to my 3 children. I run a niche meme page on Telegram and identify as a internet micro celebrity.
— Reeenorseman (@reeenorseman) September 15, 2022
Trudeau thinks I am a terrorist with unacceptable views. pic.twitter.com/vaTEhsRyp8
人们开始醒来,分享他们的故事的同时或许正在帮助他们减少孤独感。 又好像告诉大家,团结的人民是有力量的。

Matt Cowles:我是2个男孩的父亲,已婚,退休的运动员,退休的企业家,退休的士兵,去过阿富汗 3 次旅行。 根据杜鲁多的说法,我是一个极端主义者。 是时候离开了。#TrudeauMustGo
Im a father of 2 boys, married, retired athete, retired entrepreneur and now retired soldier with 3 tours in Afghanistan. According to Trudeau I am an extremist. It is time for leave.#TrudeauMustGo pic.twitter.com/YNHUt9TAiL
— Matt Cowles (@cowlesmtr) September 14, 2022
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