South Simcoe地區警方昨晚表示,10 月 11 日星期二,大約晚上 7 點 55 分,警方接到 Innisfil 鎮 25th Sideroad 和 9th Line 地區的一處住宅出現騷亂的報警後趕往現場。
THE SOUTH SIMCOE POLICE SERVICE ANNOUNCES DEATH OF OFFICER: The South Simcoe Police Service is devastated to announce the line-of-duty death of one of its officers and the critical wounding of a second officer.
— South Simcoe Police (@SouthSimcoePS) October 12, 2022
Media Release -http://t.co/BoPIGPt4Gw pic.twitter.com/3BFigDFfyM
UPDATE: Second Officer Succumbs to Injuries
— South Simcoe Police (@SouthSimcoePS) October 12, 2022
(Innisfil, ON) It is with profound sadness that the South Simcoe Police Service advises the public that the second officer shot in the line of duty has died of his injuries. pic.twitter.com/9SmiDywWWm
不幸的是,South Simcoe地區警方今天早上表示第二名警員因傷勢過重而死亡。


(來源:South Simcoe Police)
多倫多警方今天上午已經協助South Simcoe 警方將第二名倒下的警官從聖邁克醫院護送到首席驗屍官辦公室。
South Simcoe 警方的警察局長約翰·范戴克已正式確認遇害的警官分別是33 歲的德文·諾斯魯普 (Devon Northrup) 和 54 歲的摩根·拉塞爾(Morgan Russell)。

諾斯魯普警官有 6 年的工作經驗,而拉塞爾是已工作33年的老警員。
I’m heartbroken to learn that two @SouthSimcoePS officers were killed in the line of duty.
— Doug Ford (@fordnation) October 12, 2022
We are praying for the officers’ families and all the police officers who put their lives on the line to protect our communities.
I’m sending my deepest condolences to @SouthSimcoePS this morning, as they mourn the passing of two officers who were killed in the line of duty. My thoughts are also with the loved ones of these officers and the entire Innisfil community. http://t.co/ei6HylGPYA
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) October 12, 2022
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