加拿大华人论坛 加拿大新闻【安省教职员大罢工】18名省议员反对立法愤然离场


今(2日)安省立法会继续就推行《Keeping Students in Schools Act》法案召开会议,省长福特试图使用“但书条款”(Notwithstanding Clause),省长及教长厅长称担心学生学习进度被误才坚持使用,省议员齐声声讨,有18名省议员最终离场。

新民主党临时领袖Peter Tabuns直斥“省长及教育厅长停止为自己造成的教育损失说谎(When will the premier and his ministers stop lying about the damage they are doing to the education system.)”。

众议院院长指示Peter Tabuns撤回言论,Tabuns回应“不会撤回言论(I will not withdraw.)”,强调省长及厅长在说谎(My remarks were accurate and true, the premier and the ministers are lying.)。

及后Peter Tabuns被请离场,许多新民主党议员开始大声斥责福特和厅长,有人大叫:“你们在剥削他们的宪法权利(You are stealing their rights, their constitutional rights.)”,又有人斥责省长及厅长“你们每个人都应该感到羞耻(Everyone one of you should be ashamed.)”。


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