
有94%的工會成員投票支持新協議。這份協議是在10月28日達成的,據稱自 2 月以來進行了 50 多天漫長的談判。
After three days of voting, the membership of the BC Teachers’ Federation has voted to ratify the Memorandum of Agreement reached between the BCTF and the BC Public School Employers’ Association.
— BC Teachers’ Federation (@bctf) December 1, 2022
The vote was 94% in favour with 35,559 ballots returned.
根據這項為期三年的協議,新教師每年的收入將比現在多出約 6,000 至 8,500加元。工會表示這將有助於解決招聘挑戰,以及許多成員的負擔能力問題。
Together, we achieved some historic gains that will help members who are struggling with the affordability crisis and will make us more competitive with other provinces to help recruit and retain more teachers.
— BC Teachers’ Federation (@bctf) December 1, 2022
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