加拿大华人论坛 加拿大新闻美网友:中国如此伟大,为啥有钱人把孩子送国外?





First, the premise is wrong:


Most Chinese people never think China is “great”, and we don’t carewhether it is great. The Chinese are very pragmatic. What we careabout is whether our actual living standard meets our expectations,and whether this expectation meets our own wealth level.


This means that when China was still a developing country, the richwere willing to go to the developed countries to enjoy a bettermaterial life.


This is not unique to China. All developing countries are in asimilar situation. In other words, capital never sleeps.


But does China need to feel “worried” about this? Many people maybe worried about this. But I don’t care. Because the rich nevercreate wealth alone. They create wealth through more activeeconomic activities than ordinary people. These economic activitiesare mainly carried out in China. By doing so, they provideemployment opportunities and taxes. These rich people need tofulfill relevant tax obligations for the country. After fulfillingtheir tax obligations under the law, they can freely dispose oftheir surplus wealth as they think fit. If the country really needsthem to “leave” more wealth, they can regulate it through taxrates.


Second, educational resources:


I need to emphasize again that China is a developing country. Thismeans that our educational resources are generally inferior tothose of developed countries. The distribution of educationalresources is also quite uneven. If wealth allows, sending yourchildren to western countries is still an option, which will giveyou greater opportunities to obtain high-quality educationresources.


Of course, there are more “details” to pay attention to…


China’s basic education system originated from the “elite educationsystem” of the Soviet Union. This system is essentially tocultivate the future “elite” of the country. By default, everychild has the “potential” to become the future “successor”.Therefore, it sets a fairly high standard. Then, it tries to filterout the “elite” layer by layer through such high standards. Thisactually creates a highly competitive environment. In such asystem, children with mediocre qualifications will struggle andeasily become frustrated.


There are two other situations. If the children of rich familiesare qualified enough, they are usually more willing to let themreceive basic education in China. With the resources they invested,the result is usually better than the “elite education” in theWest, which aims to cultivate the so-called “noble temperament”. Ifthe children of rich families are unqualified, it is better to sendthem to western countries for less “strict” education, so as tohave a more “happy” childhood. As far as Gu Ailing is concerned,she obviously belongs to the category of “qualified”. Her basiceducation is basically completed through the first-class andexpensive remedial classes in Beijing. According to Gu’s mother,two months of study in Beijing is usually equivalent to one year ofstudy in a private school in the United States…


Then there is higher education. The problem with China is that wehave not been industrializing long enough and have not accumulatedenough. Modern China has been lagging behind in science andtechnology. Therefore, there are still few top universities inChina, which is far from the most advanced academic circles in theworld. In this regard, English-speaking countries still have anabsolute advantage. So for the rich, money is not a problem, theyonly want the “best”. Of course, English-speaking countries aremore common choices.


Third, stratum stability:


For the rich, class stability is almost always their top concern.In theory, China is still a socialist country. This means that whenwe make laws, we pay more attention to class mobility thanstability.


In education, China is generally “fair”. The rich have someadvantages, but not much. In any case, examinations are crucial forChina to obtain better educational resources. The rich can maketheir children better pass the exam by cramming, but they can’tavoid the exam. This simple and low-cost game rule is actually a”restriction” on the children of the rich.


In the West, examinations are only a small part of the equation.The rich can get the education they want through donations, alumnirelations, political and business contacts, and by allowing theirchildren to participate in more social activities. In China, noneof these approaches will work. The son of a rich businessman needsto take the same exam as the son of a farmer. This exam only needspaper and pen to complete. There are no more “shortcuts” to take.Of course, I’m not saying that under any circumstances, richbusinessmen will call the university president to let theirchildren enroll. But this is indeed illegal. If the richbusinessman does this, it may be one of the reasons why he will besent to prison in the future. He clearly needs to take risks forthis.


Not only education, but all aspects of Chinese society have similarcharacteristics. If you want to go to college, you must pass theexam and select from all levels. If you want to enter politics, youmust pass the exam and be selected at all levels.


That is to say, maintaining intergenerational stability in China isa high-cost thing and requires a lot of good luck. The rich do haveadvantages, but the competitive pressure from the new elitesemerging from the huge civilian class is still too great.


Many factors have prompted the rich Chinese to send their childrenabroad, mainly in western countries. The rich can use various”legal tools” and “rules of the game”. On the surface, the tax rateis higher, but in fact, if you find a good enough lawyer, thericher you are, the less tax you actually pay. Through the complexoperation of trusts and charitable organizations, high estate taxescan also be avoided.


In western countries, the rich can become real “aristocrats”. Thisis what China is trying to avoid.


This brings an interesting phenomenon. If you compare theimmigrants from China and India with those from western countries,it is clear that both are developing countries, but there arecertain differences in the choices after immigration. China’s richare relatively more likely to emigrate to the West and stay. Thisis because their wealth advantage is more obvious in westerncountries. China’s middle class is more likely to return to Chinaafter receiving higher education in the West. This is because theyusually regard western education as an advantage in domesticcompetition, and returning home can bring more opportunities.


Indians understand the opposite. Their upper class tends to returnto China because they can usually “inherit family business” andmaintain their long-term ruling class status through educationaladvantages. Their middle-class counterparts tend to stay in theWest because they know that even if they come back, there is almostno way to move up. The Western environment seems more “fair” tothem.



For thousands of years, education has been the top priority inChinese culture. All families, rich or poor, will try their best tosend their children to the best schools in order to pass theentrance examinations of the best universities such as TsinghuaUniversity and Peking University. Every step of the competition isso fierce that students must work very hard and still cannot enterthe best schools. The West is considered the most advanceduniversity. Sending children to the West for college education is achoice for the rich in China. After the reform and opening up,students learn English at school, so English-speaking countries arethe first choice.


China has made positive contributions to the world in terms ofeconomy and infrastructure, helping developing countries build, notdestroy and war. China is sharing anti-poverty experiences withdeveloping countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europeand Central Europe. The “the Belt and Road” initiative involvesmore than 140 UN Member States.


In this sense, China is the world leader in helping developingcountries. Even Western Europe has benefited from railway freightfrom China to Rotterdam and Madrid. Germany is the country with thelargest sales of cars in China, as are GM, Ford. Boeing sells themost aircraft in China, and other multinational companies are alsomaking profits. China is an economic engine and a manufacturingcenter. In the past 40 years, it has maintained low inflation atlow prices.


The United States is undoubtedly the world leader in militarypower, technology, economy, finance and many other fields. However,it is necessary to have another leader to help solve the world’sproblems – climate change, poverty, hunger, disease, naturaldisasters, inflation, recession… We have enough problems to besolved by the world. China is also a big country with 4.5 times thepopulation of the United States, which helps to make the world abetter place. As long as we remember that we are brothers all overthe world!



China has a long history and family structure, which is why itbasically provides continuity and order for the transmission ofcivilization.


The foundation of Chinese education is structured, rooted inmemory, and repeated efforts to comply with and instill, but again,it is structured, needs consistency, and needs to comply withprinciples.


Although many people will feel speechless about this, the basicreason why wealthy Chinese send their children to western schoolsis to provide them with one thing they cannot give in China, namelypersonality and free thinking. Many key Chinese scientists areeducated in the West. However, integration and structure arenecessary. Personality and free thinking let them see thingsoutside their life circle.


Similarly, the Chinese-style national hero in sports competitionsis the best example. They were selected from local sportsassociations all over China. The best athletes are selected fromtheir families and trained strictly in regional sports facilities.A few years later, the best student union will be selected again,and the athletes selected from the region will be sent to thenational sports center to select the next world-class Olympicathletes.


The college entrance examination is the gateway to a nationalhigh-quality university. Failure to achieve high scores will hinderstudents’ academic progress and life change.


中国网友Leo Wang的回答

1. China has never said that it would become a superpower, and theChinese people have not been foolish enough to take the initiativeto play such a thankless role. It is absurd for the self-confidentAmericans to project their desire and claim that China wants tobecome a world leader.


2. Chinese students like British boarding schools. They work asmuch in Anglo boarding schools, but spend less time studying andmore time on sports, arts and other extracurricular activities.Chinese parents especially like the balance provided by Angloboarding schools for their children. English is the lingua francaof the world. Therefore, Chinese people hope their children canspeak English fluently.


4. I’m not sure whether this situation still exists, but thedoctoral degree of British universities is more valuable becauseyou have to carry out original research to graduate. Chineseuniversities are too conservative (ancestor worship), and theirresearch confirms what some famous scholars have said.


5. Silicon Valley is still a place of innovation. You need to provethat you have worked there for five years to obtain funds forChinese startups.


6. It’s good to get out of your comfort zone, which can help youbuild a better personality.


7. The military strategist Sun Tzu told the Chinese people to learnfrom their opponents. The lessons of a hundred years ago impressedthem deeply.


Chinese people are good at learning from history. The Ming Dynastythought they were great, and when they went out to see the world,they still thought they were great. Later, they decided to stay athome because there was nothing worth learning outside. China’s QingDynasty did the same.


Then came the industrial movement. Western powers began to getinvolved in China. Then the official plan was to send 1000 overseasstudents to collect learning knowledge around the world to see howthe rest of the world works and how to apply it to China.


When you think you are great and have nothing to learn fromoutside, you are in big trouble. It is easy to repeat the mistakesmade before.


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