加拿大华人论坛 加拿大新闻【市长辞职】庄德利昨晚宣读的辞职声明。(图)




我承认允许这种关系发展,在我的判断中是一个严重的错误。它出现的时候,我和结婚40 多年的妻子芭芭拉,因我在大流行期间履行了职责,正在忍受相隔许多漫长的时期。










我要感谢多伦多人民信任我担任市长。这是一生的工作,虽然我让他们和我的家人在这种情况下失望!尽管如此,我仍然为有机会为人民服务而深感荣幸, 这座美妙的城市和我相信我为我真正热爱的城市做了一些好事,尤其是在大流行。




「Good evening.

I want to update Torontonians on a difficult personal matter.

During the pandemic, I developed a relationship with an employee in my office in a way that did not meet the standards to which I hold myself as Mayor and as a family man.

The relationship ended by mutual consent earlier this year.

During the course of our relationship sometime ago, the employee decided to pursue employment outside City Hall and secured a job elsewhere.

I recognize that permitting this relationship to develop was a serious error in judgment on my part .

It came at a time when Barb, my wife of 40-plus years and I were enduring many lengthy periods apart while I carried out my responsibilities during the pandemic.

As a result, I have decided I will step down as Mayor so I can take the time to reflect on my mistakes and to do the work of rebuilding the trust of my family.

I will be working with the City Manager, the City Clerk and Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie to ensure an orderly transition in the coming days.

While I deeply regret having to step away from a job I love, in a city I love even more, I believe in my heart it is best to fully commit myself to the work required to repair these most important relationships.

As well, I think it is important for the Office of the Mayor not to in any way be tarnished and not to see the City government itself put through a prolonged period of controversy, arising out of this error in judgement on my part, especially in light of the challenges we face as a city.

I am deeply sorry and apologize unreservedly to the people of Toronto and to all those hurt by my actions including my staff, my colleagues and the public service.

Most of all, I apologize to my wife Barb and my family, whom I have let down more than anyone else.

I hope the privacy of all of those impacted by my actions can be respected and that includes me.

I think as you know I am a naturally private person notwithstanding some of the jobs I have had and I hope you will respect that, and the privacy of everyone else as well, especially my wife and family.

I have made the Integrity Commissioner aware of the relationship and asked him to review it.

I want to thank the people of Toronto for trusting me as Mayor.

It has been the job of a lifetime, and while I have let them and my family down in this instance, I have nonetheless been deeply honoured by the opportunity to serve the people of this wonderful city and I believe I did some good for the city I truly love particularly during the pandemic.

I’m usually known for taking as many questions as you want, but on this occasion I’ll let my statement speak for itself.

Thank you.」

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