#BREAKING: Massive explosion reported at the Dow ChemicalPlant
#Plaquemine | #Louisiana
There has been a massive explosion at the Dow Chemical Plant inPlaquemine, Louisiana. Emergency crews and other agencies arecurrently responding to the situation. Officials are… pic.twitter.com/YVMkxz6SzU
— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) July 15, 2023
综合《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)、《美国之声》(VOANews)15日报导,位于密西西比河附近的普拉奎迈恩(Plaquemine)南方的陶氏化学厂(DowsChemical)发生爆炸并引发大火。地方官员向媒体表示,火灾起于处理乙烯氧化物的厂区区域,该物质具有易燃性和高致癌性。
Six fieryexplosions at a chemical plant lit up the skyline near Louisiana’scapital. The blasts happened late Friday at the Dow ChemicalFacility. The company says it has not detected hazardous materialsin the air. pic.twitter.com/R6308Ro33z
— CBS Saturday Morning (@cbssaturday) July 15, 2023
WATCH: Incrediblenew video of the explosion at Dow Chemical in Plaquemine on Fridaynight as seen from Addis.
Ashley Cory Carpenter pic.twitter.com/soiXpHwNnJ
— Steve Caparotta, Ph.D. (@SteveWAFB) July 15, 2023
NEW: Anotherdramatic view of the explosion that occurred at Dow Chemical inPlaquemine just before 9:19 p.m. Friday night. This was captured byour Sky9 camera at L’Auberge. @WAFB pic.twitter.com/VPc6WZnmSe
— Steve Caparotta, Ph.D. (@SteveWAFB) July 15, 2023
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