加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民HK case能否查到详细的状态
我是递香港的,看到别人在CIC上能查到很详细的审批细节,如We received your application for permanent residence on May 17, 2006. We started processing your application on September 18, 2006. We sent you a letter on February 22, 2007 to ******** about approval in principle for you to become a Permanent Resident of Canada. If we have sent the letter to the wrong address, please contact us. We sent you a letter on February 22, 2007 to ********about the decision on your application. If we have sent the letter to the wrong address, please contact us. 这些详细到如什么时候寄出信的信息,但我查到的只有:We started processing your application on November 7, 2007. Interview scheduled for July 16, 2008. Medical results have been received. A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision. 和别人的不太一样,所以,怎样才能在CIC上查到更详细的信息呢?
赏 我是递香港的,看到别人在CIC上能查到很详细的审批细节,如We received your application for permanent residence on May 17, 2006. We started processing your application on September 18, 2006. We sent you a letter on February 22, 2007 to ******** about approval in principle for you to become a Permanent Resident of Canada. If we have sent the letter to the wrong address, please contact us. We sent you a letter on February 22, 2007 to ********about the decision on your application. If we have sent the letter to the wrong address, please contact us. 这些详细到如什么时候寄出信的信息,但我查到的只有:We started processing your application on November 7, 2007. Interview scheduled for July 16, 2008. Medical results have been received. A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision. 和别人的不太一样,所以,怎样才能在CIC上查到更详细的信息呢?点击展开...你看的是以前别人放到网上的资料吧,现在的好象都没有的,就和你的一样的
父母团聚 10年6月递表,12月收到client number。14年7月29收到补料信,9月29寄出资料,12月16收到确认信,2015年3月18担保通过(留密市),5月21收到体检表, 5月26广州体检,6月4号体检结果已收到,6月11DM2,6月15收到香港寄护照信,6月24护照寄到北京签证中心,8月8号收到大信封你看的是以前别人放到网上的资料吧,现在的好象都没有的,就和你的一样的点击展开...嗯~是置顶帖里的~原来现在已经改了啊,谢谢你回答我有问题~
赏 嗯~是置顶帖里的~原来现在已经改了啊,谢谢你回答我有问题~点击展开...不客气
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