加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请求翻译


Dear xxxxx Your permanent resident application appears to be ready for approval and visa issuance. You must submit your passport(s) to this office within 30 DAYS of the date of this letter in order to finalize your application. The total number of passports you are required to submit is 1. Your medical validity will expire on 22-March-2011. You must retrieve the visa(s) and travel to Canada before this date. If you fail to use your visa(s) before this date, you will not be able to become a permanent resident as your visa(s) will be invalid and you will be required to start the entire procedure from the beginning of the process, including submitting a new application and fee. No extension to this date is possible.IMPORTANT - Please note the following:<Each passport must contain at least two (2) blank pages for visas and must be signed by the bearer.< You must report to this office in writing any changes in your travel documents, family configuration and marital status before collecting your visa(s) or submitting your passport(s). This includes all births, deaths, marriages, divorces, new custody arrangements and adoptions involving you and/or your dependants. Changes could result in the necessity of filing a new application and fee, and sponsorship if applicable. <All visas will feature the passport numbers that you have provided for your file. If you submit a new passport(s), a document replacement fee may be charged.<No follow-up or reminder letters will be sent and no extensions to visa validity will be granted. If you fail to collect the visas before their expiry and/or do not use them prior to their expiry, you will be required to submit a new application, pay new processing fees and qualify under the selection standards in force at that time in order to immigrate to Canada;<Any original documents submitted to our office will be returned by regular mail to the address on file.Getting the Answers Now - Now that you are on your way to Canada, you will need to plan for your arrival using accurate and realistic information about the opportunities, challenges and difficulties that you might face. You will need to know how to find a place to live, schools for your children and medical services. You will need an understanding of Canadian customs and culture. You will also need work-related information about how to find a job and how to get your non-Canadian employment credentials and work experience recognized by prospective employers and professional organizations. Be aware that there is no guarantee that you will find work in your preferred occupation. The more you find out, and the more prepared you are before you move, the more you will be able to fully take part in Canada’s economy and society as well as be better prepared for the challenges. Canada International, the Government of Canada’s primary internet site for international audiences, is your gateway to finding the information that you need to make key decisions to prepare yourself and your family for immigration and life in Canada. Go to www.canadainternational.gc.ca and select "Going to Canada" for this information.INSTRUCTIONS FOR VISA COLLECTIONMailing Instructions:It is recommended that you send your passport and the passports of any accompanying dependants to our office by registered mail or courier. Normally your passport(s) with visa(s) will then be sent back to you within ten (10) working days, from the date they are received at our office. Your passports will be returned to you by Registered Mail, unless alternate courier information is provided by you. Note that the address you provide is where your passport(s) and visa(s) will be returned to.To ensure the safe delivery of your passport(s) to our office, please send via registered mail or courier. ChinaPost EMS (www.ems.com.cn), DHL (www.dhl.com), Fedex (www.fedex.com), UPS (www.ups.com) and other similar companies provide services that will allow you to track the delivery of your package and ensure that the documents are appropriately received.Your passports will be returned to you via registered mail (registered through Hong Kong Post) and a signature will be required of someone at the delivery address for collection. If you are unavailable at the time they come to deliver the package, you will have to arrange pick up with your local post office. Generally passports with visas will be mailed to you within 10 working days of being received by our office. Note that post office delivery times could delay this further. If you, or your representative, have a corporate account with a private courier company (eg. Fedex, DHL, UPS, etc), you may choose to submit a completed airway bill form with destination address and corporate account billing information completed along with your passport(s). Your passport(s) would then be returned to you by the courier company using this airway bill.Please complete the information requested on the attached sheet and provide it with your passports.Visa Collection in Person:While it is recommended that you submit your passports by mail, as the principal applicant you may also choose to collect the visa(s) in person. Only you may pick up the visa(s). Should you choose to present yourself in person, you may collect your visa(s) at this office any Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, with the exception of public holidays. Admittance to the waiting area will take place between 9:00 am and 10:00 am only. You will be required to present this letter, your passport, and the passports of all accompanying family members at that time. Normally the visa(s) will be issued and passports returned to you the next working day between 1:30 pm and 2:30 pm in the afternoon. Please note that same day service is not possible. A list of the public holidays observed by this office can be viewed on our website: www.hongkong.gc.ca. Please note, visa collection in person may be made by the principal applicant only, or if the principal applicant is under the age of 18, his/her parent or guardian with proof of relationship and identification provided (e.g. birth certificate and passport); no other exceptions will be made in any circumstances. You are not required to inform us of the date you choose to collect your visa(s), but it must be within 60 days of the date of this letter and prior to expiry of your visa(s) should that be sooner. Your dependants, if any, are not required to accompany you to Hong Kong and, due to space restrictions, they will not be granted access to the waiting room if they do, nor will they be permitted to wait outside the waiting room. Please ensure, however, that you bring the passports of all family members who will receive visas.

回复: 请求翻译原来取签信那么长。。。。 恭喜楼主,30天内补护照,然后给你发签证啦!! 你的体检明年3月过期了,要抓紧哦。 信太长了,全翻译出来要收费哦~~~!!!!哈哈哈哈,恭喜啦!

回复: 请求翻译恭喜LZ~本人去取签不是一天内弄好的啊?! 现在是第一天早上8-9点去交护照,然后第二天下午才有得拿。。。效率那么低啊。anyway,有得拿就好~

月饼,玫瑰饼,萝卜糕,芋头糕,马蹄糕,凤梨酥。 请给我加声望哈~~回复: 请求翻译就是说现在寄护照过去签证就可以了,已经免面试对吗?

原来取签信那么长。。。。 恭喜楼主,30天内补护照,然后给你发签证啦!! 你的体检明年3月过期了,要抓紧哦。 信太长了,全翻译出来要收费哦~~~!!!!哈哈哈哈,恭喜啦!点击展开...对呀,超长的,对于我这个英语笨蛋来说,头晕啊。看懂一些,一些又不懂,又怕自己错了,白高兴一场。太谢谢了,翻译收费没问题,哈哈

就是说现在寄护照过去签证就可以了,已经免面试对吗?点击展开...是啊,恭喜你。 护照起码要有两张空白页,记得签名,还要注意有效期;一定要在体检有效期内登陆,否则要重新申请。 家庭成员状况如果发生了变化一定要及时通知他们。 除了邮寄护照,还可以自己取签,周一到周三可以取,早上8-9点递护照,第二天下午1:30以后拿。 其他就没什么要紧的了。

是啊,恭喜你。 护照起码要有两张空白页,记得签名,还要注意有效期;一定要在体检有效期内登陆,否则要重新申请。 家庭成员状况如果发生了变化一定要及时通知他们。 除了邮寄护照,还可以自己取签,周一到周三可以取,早上8-9点递护照,第二天下午1:30以后拿。 其他就没什么要紧的了。点击展开...好的,我知道了。谢谢你,家庭成员状况是指哪些呢?我哥哥刚有了一个女儿,这样算吗?



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