加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民收到使馆邮件说case has been finalised
收到使馆回复,内容加下,Please be advised that the applicant's application has been finalised and that the visa, passport and other documents will be mailed to him shortly by EMS to the mailing address on his file. Please be patient and wait for the mail to arrive. 看样子是要给VISA了,但大信封还没寄 可是CIC还没DM,也不知道什么时候给发大信封,看最近收到信封的帖子都是用EMS,(好想以前是用平信的吧)不知道现在可不可以订机票了。
1.21签收,2.16IP,2.24DM,3.16FNE, 4.13IP...回复: 收到使馆邮件说case has been finalised因该可以了吧.恭喜哦
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