加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民各位进来帮忙看看。
We received your application for permanent residence on June X, 2010. We reviewed your application and sent you a letter on November X, 2010. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. Your application and supporting documents were received by the Buffalo office. They are pending review. Your application was reviewed and we started processing on April X, 2012. A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision. 请问各位这是什么情况,等了这么长时间~昨晚上去查进度终于有些眉目了!紧张啊。。。。
回复: 各位进来帮忙看看。好事~
回复: 各位进来帮忙看看。浏览附件252824 We received your application for permanent residence on June X, 2010. We reviewed your application and sent you a letter on November X, 2010. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. Your application and supporting documents were received by the Buffalo office. They are pending review. Your application was reviewed and we started processing on April X, 2012. A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision. 请问各位这是什么情况,等了这么长时间~昨晚上去查进度终于有些眉目了!紧张啊。。。。点击展开...看来DM2了,恭喜呀。
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------看看这里,希望会对你有所帮助:毕业总结:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=577852申办历程:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=552483回复: 各位进来帮忙看看。真的吗。。希望快点批出啊。
回复: 各位进来帮忙看看。谢谢各位~!^_^
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