加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民转local了,好桑心〜
this letter refers to your applicarion for permanent residengce under the spouse or common law paetner in canada class. this is to advise you that your application has been transfereed to the case processing centre in mississauga ,as that office is now the designated processing centre for your application ,the case processing centre may contact you to seek additional information or clarification,once processing is complete,that office will notify you by mail of their decision.这是转local的节奏吧,等了几个月只等来一封转local的信好伤心想问下1)我是在魁省,转local的话,到时我要去哪面试的?mississauga吗?那也太远了吧2)收到这信后什么时候会被安排面试的?希望各位大侠能帮忙解答!感激不尽!
2013.10.2接收 10.29 ar1 12.20 csq2015. 3.3 dm1 6.3 dm2 7.10 landing回复: 转local了,好桑心〜不过我查了一下CIC对这封信的解释,大概是下面这段话After you apply: get next steps – Sponsor your other eligible relativesThe application assessment processThe Case Processing Centre in Mississauga (CPC-Mississauga) will review your sponsorship application. If it is approved, you will be notified in writing.CPC-Mississauga will inform you whether or not your sponsorship application is approved. If you do not meet the sponsorship requirements, the relative(s) you want to sponsor may continue with their application for permanent residence, but it may not be approved. If you are approved as a sponsor but the application of the relative(s) you are sponsoring is refused, you will receive the reason for the refusal and information about appeal rights.You may withdraw your sponsorship application at any point in the process before the relative(s) you are sponsoring becomes a permanent resident of Canada. You may be eligible for a refund of the sponsorship fee and/or the permanent resident application fees if processing of your application has not yet begun. See below on how to contact CIC to withdraw your application.
境内夫妻团聚 2013/10/7 递料 2013/10/9 签收 2013/11/2 AN回复: 转local了,好桑心〜所以我觉得是应该是申请之后的发出来的一封信,通知开始审理担保人,如果担保人资格通过那么进入申请人审理阶段。如果担保人资格没通过也会审理申请人,但是又可以被拒绝。大概就是这个意思了
境内夫妻团聚 2013/10/7 递料 2013/10/9 签收 2013/11/2 AN回复: 转local了,好桑心〜最近境内团聚的案子不是都从 Vegerville 移到Mississauga 了吗?
回复: 转local了,好桑心〜最近境内团聚的案子不是都从 Vegerville 移到Mississauga 了吗?点击展开...是的,现在才知道原来family class 的案件都转到密市了
2013.10.2接收 10.29 ar1 12.20 csq2015. 3.3 dm1 6.3 dm2 7.10 landing回复: 转local了,好桑心〜不过我查了一下CIC对这封信的解释,大概是下面这段话After you apply: get next steps – Sponsor your other eligible relativesThe application assessment processThe Case Processing Centre in Mississauga (CPC-Mississauga) will review your sponsorship application. If it is approved, you will be notified in writing.CPC-Mississauga will inform you whether or not your sponsorship application is approved. If you do not meet the sponsorship requirements, the relative(s) you want to sponsor may continue with their application for permanent residence, but it may not be approved. If you are approved as a sponsor but the application of the relative(s) you are sponsoring is refused, you will receive the reason for the refusal and information about appeal rights.You may withdraw your sponsorship application at any point in the process before the relative(s) you are sponsoring becomes a permanent resident of Canada. You may be eligible for a refund of the sponsorship fee and/or the permanent resident application fees if processing of your application has not yet begun. See below on how to contact CIC to withdraw your application.点击展开...听说移民部打假力很强, 黄先生可否评论一下?不少人希望利用 “结婚” 这个方法取得加国移民身份, 是不争的事实。 大约在 2008 年左右开始, CBSA 已经得到政府的额外拨款去打假, 也即是 “Project Honeymoon” “蜜月行动” 的开始。 他们第一阶段要针对的, 就是在境内的申请个案, 那些个案可以是由 CPC-V 或者转到 Local 之后, 由于经手的移民官觉得有可疑, 就转介给 CBSA 来跟进调查。 至于 CBSA 是怎样去跟进, 当然是高度秘密了. 那么为什么要针对境内的申请个案, 而不是境外的呢? 原因其实十分明显, 因为境内的申请不论结婚还是同居关系, 担保人和申请人理应一起生活的, 不是吗? 如果是真实的关系当然没有问题,否则的话, 调查人员的跟踪及家访就很容易揭穿做假的个案。 这一类的追踪调查就算申请人赢了 AIP 的 OWP 之后, 一样有可能发生。更有个别的案件移民部是采用 “请君入瓮” 策略, 要求申请人去 local office 面试,在面试中的一问一答, 就变成官方记录, 把所有作假的谎言记录在案。 面试完毕之后, CBSA 的调查人员就会在移民局门口拿人。经过追踪调查或家访被揭发作假的申请人, 要么被要求去 CBSA 定期报到, 要么被当场扣押扣留, 等待保释出来,被怀疑作假的申请人最后会被转介到 Immigration Division 开庭, 给他一个自辩的机会。 如果输了, 就会收到驱逐令。 理论上, 申请人可以去联邦法院上诉, 要求司法复核, 推翻 Immigration Division 的原判。2010 年的下半年开始,CBSA 的 这个行动伸展至已经过 “结婚” 成功拿下移民身份的人, 这就是俗称的 “秋后算账”。 被锁定的目标人物会先收到 CBSA 的先礼后兵信件, 被要求去 6900 Airport Road 见面, 其实这只不过是一个程序而已,原意是给目标人物一个解释的机会, 但现实却未必是这样, 因为 CBSA 是执法的机构, 目标人物能够成功满足 CBSA 官员的怀疑, 进而 close file 的, 是少之又少, 绝大多数结果都是要去 Immigration Division 开庭。由于以上的目标人物已经有移民身份, 就算他们上庭输了官司, 收到驱逐令, 但是他们的上诉途径就是去 IAD。 这一类上诉的排期, 动不动就是一年或者更长的时间, 而这一类官司最有效的抗辩策略, 就是以 H&C 人道立场博取同情。其实除了 CBSA 有权转介拥有移民身份的人去 Immigration Division 开庭之外, CIC 也拥有这个权力。 如果被锁定的目标是由 CIC 跟进的话, local office 的先礼后兵行动, 很多时候是要求书面的回答, 这可算是“不幸中的大幸”,因为目标人物就会有更多点时间去准备材料, 甚至向专业人士求救。如果提供的文件证供能够满足 CIC 官员, 个案就 close file。 黄先生处理过不少这一类的个案, 也成功替他们脱了险。
lucklady 说:this letter refers to your applicarion for permanent residengce under the spouse or common law paetner in canada class. this is to advise you that your application has been transfereed to the case processing centre in mississauga ,as that office is now the designated processing centre for your application ,the case processing centre may contact you to seek additional information or clarification,once processing is complete,that office will notify you by mail of their decision.这是转local的节奏吧,等了几个月只等来一封转local的信好伤心想问下1)我是在魁省,转local的话,到时我要去哪面试的?mississauga吗?那也太远了吧2)收到这信后什么时候会被安排面试的?希望各位大侠能帮忙解答!感激不尽!点击展开...你好!我前几个月收到一模一样的信。所以这是到哪一步了? 我和你申请时间差不多。我是十月底cic收到我的申请邮件。 可是我的网上状态一直没更新过。 打电话去问说是材料全,网上不一定会更新。好烦啊! 所以这个转去别的地方是有进度了吗?
Vicky chahal 说:你好!我前几个月收到一模一样的信。所以这是到哪一步了? 我和你申请时间差不多。我是十月底cic收到我的申请邮件。 可是我的网上状态一直没更新过。 打电话去问说是材料全,网上不一定会更新。好烦啊! 所以这个转去别的地方是有进度了吗?点击展开...就是在等dm1(担保人资格通过),好像上年年底的family class case都转到mississauge了
2013.10.2接收 10.29 ar1 12.20 csq2015. 3.3 dm1 6.3 dm2 7.10 landing就是在等dm1(担保人资格通过),好像上年年底的family class case都转到mississauge了点击展开...太感谢你的回复了。最近等的着急了。 大家说的ap1什么的会有信和邮件通知吗? 你是交的境内吗? 我申请境内。好慢啊。网上第一阶段改到13个月了。 才审到七月底递交的。打算打电话问一下了。你的担保人资格下来了吗
lucklady 说:就是在等dm1(担保人资格通过),好像上年年底的family class case都转到mississauge了点击展开...是不是他们先看资料。 资料全了就会转去mississauge?
Vicky chahal 说:太感谢你的回复了。最近等的着急了。 大家说的ap1什么的会有信和邮件通知吗? 你是交的境内吗? 我申请境内。好慢啊。网上第一阶段改到13个月了。 才审到七月底递交的。打算打电话问一下了。你的担保人资格下来了吗点击展开...不好意思,这个还不知道,担保资格还没下来呢,也是境内申请的
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