加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民补材料时已交无犯罪公证, ME邮件中说需要60
有点不放心, 希望过来人帮助确认ME邮件中说:The original police certificate from each country must be received by our office within 60 days from the date of this letter. 我补材料时是12月底做的无犯罪公证, ME的信是3月14发的, 已超过60天, 是否再再交一份新的?
回复: 补材料时已交无犯罪公证, ME邮件中说需要60天内有效的无犯罪公证,是否需要再做一个新“The original police certificate from each country must be received by our office within 60 days from the date of this letter. Failure to provide us with the original police certificate may result in your application being assessed on the information available on your file and may be refused.”这句话的意思应该是说必须在这封信日期的60天之内收到你的无犯罪公证。 如果没提供,可能会。。。。。。。。。。。这样理解对吧? “If you have already sent in the updated police certificate, you do not require to resend it.”这个是说刚交过了,就不用再交了。
回复: 补材料时已交无犯罪公证, ME邮件中说需要60天内有效的无犯罪公证,是否需要再做一个新谢谢楼上!
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