加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民where to stay is faster for processing


I submitted parent sponsorship christmas 2009 for bufflo as they were living with me for about 1 year already. Now I am waiting for any news for the 2nd round processing speed up for this period. Now the question is if staying in canada will help pick up a faster processing location or staying in china faster? Anybody would like to share? Is the case still going to bufflo? Now they are going to leave this October, just would like to have an idea about how long for them staying in china. Any information would be appreciated!!!

回复: where to stay is faster for processing我认为你父母住哪儿都没关系,移民局不Care这个。单纯从我身边的数字来看,没任何相关。不知道有没有相关的统计数据如果你是说担保人住哪儿的话,我隐约记得,2009年我交申请的时候,有一条条文写着如果是PR担保父母移民,PR必须在加拿大境内居住。时间太长了,记得不精确,请大家指正I submitted parent sponsorship christmas 2009 for bufflo as they were living with me for about 1 year already. Now I am waiting for any news for the 2nd round processing speed up for this period. Now the question is if staying in canada will help pick up a faster processing location or staying in china faster? Anybody would like to share? Is the case still going to bufflo? Now they are going to leave this October, just would like to have an idea about how long for them staying in china. Any information would be appreciated!!!点击展开...

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