标签:Processi - 华人论坛


请教办理过枫叶卡的urgent processing的园友

在加拿大 请教办理过枫叶卡的urgent processing的园友,在CIC收到申请材料的两个工作日内,是否给您来了电话告知能否同意加急办理?我在两个工作日内没收到CIC的任何电话,又怕是手机在地铁...华人论坛


IP后就是DM ――是否被拒

在加拿大 We started processing your application on April 21, 2006. A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision. 今天看到大家说地址栏有变化就去看看,发现DM了!心里很不是滋...华人论坛


where to stay is faster for processing

在加拿大 I submitted parent sponsorship christmas 2009 for bufflo as they were living with me for about 1 year already. Now I am waiting for any news for the 2nd round processing speed up for this period. Now the question is if staying in canada will...华人论坛