加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民护照上中国海关章翻译一定要用AITO翻译么?
回复: 护照上中国海关章翻译一定要用AITO翻译么?我有几个中国海关出入境章,想找注册翻译师翻译公证。
回复: 护照上中国海关章翻译一定要用AITO翻译么?CIC8月28号更新的的PR卡更新要求显示:所有五年内护照上的非英法语言的入境章都要翻译和certify!!!!请问有renew经验的人告知一下,这些章一定要找AITO翻译么?报价很贵啊!我只有五个章要翻译。我查了一下,密市有个新移民顾问说可以免费翻。。。http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=577347请问CIC承认么?大家共享一下,讨论一下吧,以后自己更新PR卡的时候都会碰到啊!点击展开...还真是的,新要求是这样的:Photocopies of all pages of all passports you held in the past five (5) years (if your stamps are not in English or French, please have them translated, see section on Translation of documents)。Translation of documentsAny document that is not in English or French must be accompanied by:*the English or French translation;*a certified copy of the document; and*a translator's declaration.Note: The declaration must include the translator's name, the original language of the translated document and a statement signed by the translator that the translation is accurate. Translators who are certified members in good standing of one of the provincial or territorial organizations of translators and interpreters of Canada do not need to supply an affidavit.上月刚准备好资料,正准备下周寄出呢,原来只要求复印件,现在看来要求更细了。谢谢提供的信息!否则寄出去还要补资料就耽误时间了。还不知道去哪里找有资格的翻译和认证呢?有知道的告之一声,先谢了!
入籍进程:Feb 14, 2014 Markham寄出申请,Feb 17, 2014收到,June 12 IP, Dec 23 Test,Feb 11, 2015 Oath!回复: 护照上中国海关章翻译一定要用AITO翻译么?那我就惨了,因工作关系,护照上密密麻麻盖满了章,2011年以前中国边防的章没有写CHINA,要全翻译,承受不起。
always keep the faith[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]那我就惨了,因工作关系,护照上密密麻麻盖满了章,2011年以前中国边防的章没有写CHINA,要全翻译,承受不起。点击展开...除了china,还有其他中文字象什么边境检查啥的。。。现在行价好像是十个章50元,你自己算算。
回复: 护照上中国海关章翻译一定要用AITO翻译么?我是8月31号按之前的要求寄了资料,怎么办?现补翻译件?还是等通知?
艰难大,总是收吃福利的难民?还真是的,新要求是这样的:Photocopies of all pages of all passports you held in the past five (5) years (if your stamps are not in English or French, please have them translated, see section on Translation of documents)。 Translation of documentsAny document that is not in English or French must be accompanied by: *the English or French translation;*a certified copy of the document; and*a translator's declaration.Note: The declaration must include the translator's name, the original language of the translated document and a statement signed by the translator that the translation is accurate. Translators who are certified members in good standing of one of the provincial or territorial organizations of translators and interpreters of Canada do not need to supply an affidavit. 上月刚准备好资料,正准备下周寄出呢,原来只要求复印件,现在看来要求更细了。谢谢提供的信息!否则寄出去还要补资料就耽误时间了。还不知道去哪里找有资格的翻译和认证呢?有知道的告之一声,先谢了!点击展开... 我觉得翻译可以自己翻,但格式不知道认证的问题,官方的说法是 Who can certify copies?Persons authorized to certify copies include the following:ChiropractorCommissioner of oathsDentistFuneral directorJustice of the peace or judgeLawyerManager of a financial institutionMedical doctorMember of a provincial legislatureMember of parliamentMinister of religionMunicipal clerkNotaryOfficial of an embassy, consulate or high commission officially accredited to Canada and authorize to certify document issued by the official’s governmentPharmacistPolice officerPostmasterPrimary, secondary or university teacherProfessional accountantProfessional engineerSocial workerVeterinarian
艰难大,总是收吃福利的难民?回复: 护照上中国海关章翻译一定要用AITO翻译么?我也在找呢,找到了大家通报一下吧!
回复: 护照上中国海关章翻译一定要用AITO翻译么?大家觉得,如果2007年登陆,07年以前的章也要翻译吗?
回复: 护照上中国海关章翻译一定要用AITO翻译么?大家觉得,如果2007年登陆,07年以前的章也要翻译吗?点击展开...当然是登陆以后的。
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