加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民转载 :当你收到rq,如何收集证据。


WHAT TO DO IF YOU GET AN RQRead your cover letter closely to see if there is any indication of why you may have received the RQ.Read the instructions on the RQ form itself very carefully.Call the CIC helpline at 1-888-242-2100 for any clarifications. Write down the agent’s name and the date on a sheet paper.Calculate 45 business days from the date on your RQ cover letter.Request Records of Movement (information regarding border crossings) from any country where you have a passport. If you are from the US, make an FOIA online request for any documents related to border crossings ASAP. It will take at least 3 months for this to be processed.Request your CIC files to verify that they entered all your information correctly and see if there’s any information indicating their specific concerns about your application. This will take about 30 days to be processed.Request medical records from the provinces where you have lived. This will take 14-60 days.Tear your house apart to find any scrap of paper you can to prove that these many years of your life in Canada wasn’t just a dream.In the likely event that you cannot provide all documentation within the prescribed 45 business-days, send what you have with a cover letter indicating your Client ID and listing your outstanding documents. Send the rest when you get it.After you have sent all your documentation, contact your MP and ask them to inquire about the status of your citizenship application. Some information about the processing of your application may only be shared with you through the intercession of your MP. It is your MP’s duty to advocate for you regardless of their political party and your current lack of citizenship.

回复: 转载 :当你收到rq,如何收集证据。http://residencequestionnaire.wordpress.com/resources-for-rq-recipients/resources-for-rq-recipients/

回复: 转载 :当你收到rq,如何收集证据。DOCUMENTS DEMANDED BY RQReport the exact dates of every absence from Canada, including day trips to the US from their arrival date in Canada to the present.Documentation to verify these absences.Colour photocopies and official translations of all pages of all current and expired passports.Colour photocopies and official translations of all current and expired visas.Official Records of Movement from any countries where one holds a passport.Rental agreements with proof of rental paymentMortgage or title documentsProperty tax assessmentsMunicipal or school tax documentsInsurance policiesMarriage or divorce certificatesChildren’s birth certificatesSchool transcripts or report cardsCRA Notices of AssessmentsCRA T-4 statements, T-5 statementsBank statementsCredit card statementsCorporate income tax documentsIncorporation and registration documentsContracts, invoices and business bank statementsLetters from suppliers and purchasersLogbooks and advertising contractsHealth records, immunization records for childrenProof of membership in religious or community organizationsLetters attesting to community service

回复: 转载 :当你收到rq,如何收集证据。谢谢宝贵信息,不过MP会管这么多人入籍的事?

回复: 转载 :当你收到rq,如何收集证据。也可以找服务公司代办。。。。。。

回复: 转载 :当你收到rq,如何收集证据。谢谢

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