加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民九月三号之后,宣誓唱歌也只给一次机会了吗?
回复: 九月三号之后,宣誓唱歌也只给一次机会了吗?原本以为只有考试和见移民官改为一次。请9.3号之后,收到信宣誓的同学,告诉下,信上是怎么写的点击展开...見移民官的機會改為一次我9.6收到的宣誓信上沒有說唱歌只有一次 但是要給judge好理由為什麼沒出席以下是內容:If you do not attend this even at the above time, time and place, you will have to either:1. File a new application for citizenship, or1. Convince the judge that you could not appear for good reason. You must do this within sixty (60) days of the above date.
回复: 九月三号之后,宣誓唱歌也只给一次机会了吗?見移民官的機會改為一次我9.6收到的宣誓信上沒有說唱歌只有一次 但是要給judge好理由為什麼沒出席以下是內容:If you do not attend this even at the above time, time and place, you will have to either:1. File a new application for citizenship, or1. Convince the judge that you could not appear for good reason. You must do this within sixty (60) days of the above date.点击展开...谢谢,看来错过一次就要去见法官了,等待时间就增加了
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