加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民i still did not get test for canadian citizenship
We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on March 3, 2014.We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called Discover Canada on March 3, 2014. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.We started processing your application on April 11, 2014.We sent you a letter on May 8, 2014. If you have not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please do so as soon as possible. Please wait until you receive the letter before sending us additional information, as the letter will outline all information that is required. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.http://forum.iask.ca/editor/images/smilies/face/007.png i got fingerprints
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016) 赏 2014-08-26#3 427 $0.00 你太长时间吗?你回国多吗
你什麼時候寄出補件? 看其他同學的經驗, 補件後是要等一段時間.
入籍 - 2014 1月申请 / 3月收书 / 7月考试 / 8月宣誓超签延期 - 《第一次》2015 3月8日网申 3月17日收体检通知 3月18日确认延期1年 // 《第二次》2016 3月1日网申 4月1日要求提供保险证明 4月13日确认延期2年父母团聚 - 2015 1月2日CIC签收 / 1月10日扣款 / 3月21日 电邮AOR & FN / 2016年5月20日 担保通过 + 申请转Ottawa / 8月18日 IN PROCESS / 8月31日 要求体检和无犯罪记录 / 10月7日 CIC收到体检和无犯罪 / 12月7日 收到寄护照电邮 / 12月8日寄出护照 / 12月20日收到登陆签证 / 12月24日Queenston-Lewiston Bridge登陆你什麼時候寄出補件? 看其他同學的經驗, 補件後是要等一段時間.点击展开...5-13-2014 it was fingerprints
tomorrow1234 说:5-13-2014 it was fingerprints点击展开...这么巧, 我也是5月13日寄出的fingerprints, 已收到9月考试的信。
和时间说再见 说:这么巧, 我也是5月13日寄出的fingerprints, 已收到9月考试的信。点击展开...请问你那个 office cic 呀我还没有收到考试的信
tomorrow1234 说:请问你那个 office cic 呀我还没有收到考试的信点击展开...我在多伦多密西沙加。 我还算慢的, 我女儿从申请到宣誓总共才4个月。你在哪里?
和时间说再见 说:我在多伦多密西沙加。 我还算慢的, 我女儿从申请到宣誓总共才4个月。你在哪里?点击展开...我在 calgary 不知何时收到考试的信
tomorrow1234 说:我在 calgary 不知何时收到考试的信点击展开...只有耐心等待了, 祝好运!
和时间说再见 说:只有耐心等待了, 祝好运!点击展开...thanks
tomorrow1234 说:We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on March 3, 2014.We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called Discover Canada on March 3, 2014. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.We started processing your application on April 11, 2014.We sent you a letter on May 8, 2014. If you have not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please do so as soon as possible. Please wait until you receive the letter before sending us additional information, as the letter will outline all information that is required. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.http://forum.iask.ca/editor/images/smilies/face/007.png i got fingerprints点击展开...好像你需要补材料。等你收到信,按照信上补要的东西。祝好运。
现在 入籍为啥这么 快 ?
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