2月枫叶卡过期,1月就递交了renew 申请,网上显示5月会寄出,问题是,我4月初要去美国开会,很重要,机票都定了,该怎么进出呢?还是要枫叶卡加急处理,该如何操作呢?十万火急,谢谢大家支招!
我一直在写:我在多伦多话家常理短告诉你一个真实的移民生活! 赏 2016-03-02#2 J 157 $0.00 可以办理加急申请,具体要求加移民部官方网站
提前半年更新在过期前才有可能拿到新卡。 现在只能出示会议邀请函和机票,看能不能加急。 另外去美国有中国护照上的美签,不知道能不能用 登陆纸 代替枫叶卡?
秋花酿酒 赏 2016-03-02#5

lpsun 说:如果你出行的机票日期距你申请加急的日期六周以上,但是在三个月以内,就可以办加急。从陆路用移民纸进来似乎有风险,好象从三月开始不可行了。(具体再细看一下CIC的规定吧)点击展开...真的吗?这可是大消息
秋花酿酒真的吗?这可是大消息点击展开...CIC网站上对加急有明确的规定,你自己再看一下。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5445ETOC.asphttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/pr-card/apply-urgent-processing.aspIf your application is already in processContact us through the case specific webform and follow the instructions for applying for urgent processing of your renewal/replacement permanent resident card. If you do not include a valid email address under Enquirer identification, we will not be able to contact you.What happens nextIf you send us all the information we ask for, including a valid email address, we will email you within two business days to tell you if we can speed up your application.If you do not provide all of the information we ask for, we may not process your application urgently. We will continue to process it normally.When your card is ready, we will usually mail it to you. In some cases, we may ask you to pick it up in-person at a local office.You require urgent processing of your renewal/replacement Permanent Resident card. To be eligible for urgent processing, you must:provide proof of full payment that must show the date you paid, the amount you paid and how you paid.provide proof of travel (itinerary or ticket) that must show the dates you are traveling, your personal information such as your full name, that you have a return ticket and your destination.
held 说:楼主怎么确定一月递的资料,5月就能得到新卡?我们去年11月底递的,才刚刚接到收到资料的邮件!点击展开...你的和我一样,下周二CIC状态就会更新。
lpsun 说:你的意思是每周CIC周二更新吗?我是周三晚上更新,三次都是这个规律点击展开...一般都是星期二,也有周三的或其它时间的:

不要崇拜哥,哥是个传说! 赏 2016-03-06#13

我一直在写:我在多伦多话家常理短告诉你一个真实的移民生活!CIC网站上对加急有明确的规定,你自己再看一下。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/5445ETOC.asphttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/pr-card/apply-urgent-processing.aspIf your application is already in processContact us through the case specific webform and follow the instructions for applying for urgent processing of your renewal/replacement permanent resident card. If you do not include a valid email address under Enquirer identification, we will not be able to contact you.What happens nextIf you send us all the information we ask for, including a valid email address, we will email you within two business days to tell you if we can speed up your application.If you do not provide all of the information we ask for, we may not process your application urgently. We will continue to process it normally.When your card is ready, we will usually mail it to you. In some cases, we may ask you to pick it up in-person at a local office.You require urgent processing of your renewal/replacement Permanent Resident card. To be eligible for urgent processing, you must:provide proof of full payment that must show the date you paid, the amount you paid and how you paid.provide proof of travel (itinerary or ticket) that must show the dates you are traveling, your personal information such as your full name, that you have a return ticket and your destination.点击展开...谢谢,非常有用,下面就是表格,填写递交就可以。
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