Having recently obtained the Visa, resigned from a well-paid job (>CAD1,600 per month) I am now seriously confused..... I don't think I will be able to leave parents again having been away for more than six years. Parents are fast approaching 60, and if I chose to leave it might seems to be a good bye forever... They say they always can come to visit me in Canda, yet I wonder how can I see them through the last journey of their life???? 父母的亲情是世界上最无私,伟大的,不想因为移民而放弃这一切。我该怎么办???? 另外加拿大真的是那么好吗?我们这一带都是1个孩子,父母辛辛苦苦把我们拉扯大,如果真地走了将来谁来照顾他们???? 朋友都说一切向前看,但我怎么舍得和他们说再见????
赏 2006-11-01#3

赏 2006-11-01#4

6,368 $0.00 Believe or not, 60 is still young for many people in present day world. It's too early to say farewell to your parents. As I always say, that things happen for a reason. It is true that if you take the advantage of the VISA and finally choose to live overseas, inevitably you will be unable to visit them as often as you do now, and also, you will miss driving round the Binhai Road and shopping in Maikaile and many other things. But just look at the bright side, being able to finally reunite with your parents as early as possible, may motivate you to bring your tallent into full play once you land in the maple country. Yes, that's what I mean, just think positive, nothing's impossible if you set your goal and keep moving forwards. It is understandable to feel like that, for many other would-be immigrants, the VISA may have combined with myriad feelings. Life has presented you with this opportunity, what you should do, as a matter of fact, has nothing to bother you. With all due respect.评论
2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal 赏 2006-11-01#5 H 437 $0.00 同意楼上的!
2006.05.30 FN 自评 67 赏 2006-11-01#8

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