加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民NOC里的2281职业描述打不开
我是做网络的,最符合我的职业选项是Coputer Network Technicians,请问谁填过这个职业,能把职业描述的内容发上来吗?我前几天试还可以打开,现在不行了,可能网站的数据库出了问题,大伙帮帮忙,我马上就要递表了,谢谢
回复: NOC里的2281职业描述打不开2281 Computer Network TechniciansComputer network technicians establish, operate, maintain, and co-ordinate the use of local and wide area networks (LANs and WANs), mainframe networks, hardware, software and related computer equipment. They set up and maintain Internet and Intranet Web sites and Web-server hardware and software, and monitor and optimize network connectivity and performance. They are employed in information technology units throughout the private and public sectors. Supervisors of computer network technicians are included in this group. Example Titlescomputer network technician computer network technician supervisor data centre operator Internet Web site technician LAN (local area network) administrator LAN (local area network) technician network administrator network support technician supervisor, computer network technician system administrator Web technician Main duties Computer network technicians perform some or all of the following duties: Maintain, troubleshoot and administer the use of local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), mainframe networks, computer workstations, connections to the Internet and peripheral equipment Evaluate and install computer hardware, networking software, operating system software and software applications Operate master consoles to monitor the performance of computer systems and networks and to co-ordinate access and use of computer networks Provide problem-solving services to network users Install, maintain, troubleshoot and upgrade Web-server hardware and software Implement network traffic and security monitoring software, and optimize server performance Perform routine network start up and close down and maintain control records Perform data backups and disaster recovery operations Conduct tests and perform security and quality controls Control and monitor e-mail use, Web navigation, and installed softwares Perform shell scripting or other basic scripting tasks May supervise other workers in this group.
齐二爷回复: NOC里的2281职业描述打不开
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