加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民FN之后干什么?
回复: FN之后干什么?安心等吧
移民纸代码详解回复: FN之后干什么?wait
另一段全新生活即将开始了!回复: FN之后干什么?没驾照的话学个驾照吧
回复: FN之后干什么?谢谢各位,老公是主申请,他要考雅思,我闲的无聊想和他一起考,会对申请有帮助吗?
回复: FN之后干什么?应该可以提高一些印象分吧,不过主要还是看主申请的条件
08年4月17,HK签收08年5月23,雅思出成绩(5,7,5,4.5)08年6月2,汇票解付08年11月17日,FN.按现有雅思成绩,自评69分.回复: FN之后干什么?记得以前有个例子,夫妻俩都是他们那边比较紧俏的专业,男的是电器工程师,工作经验特丰富,女的是护理专业.结果,俩人的案子被双免,免英语成绩,免面试~~~不过那是过去的事情了.
爱好就是一个人的信仰回复: FN之后干什么?如果递北京的话,等第二封信,我是2008年1月份得到FN的,8月1日得到第二封信,让我确认是否还要移民,如果不想移民的话有一个退款的表在4个月内如果寄回移民局,便有退费。否则便视为你还想要申请移民,钱便不退还了。
回复: FN之后干什么?收到FN了!建议大家该怎么过就怎么过,移民只是给自己正加一个选择而已!并不是什么大不了的事情,不要影响现在的生活!
回复: FN之后干什么?英语!
[FONT=宋体]时间的煎熬本来就是磨炼[/FONT]!回复: FN之后干什么?我投的是香港,8个月才拿到FN,不过无所谓,现在心态确实挺平和,只是给自己多一个机会,等吧。
回复: FN之后干什么?just wait and keep on learning english!
07-12-24 hk 妥投08-3-3 招行信用卡 划款08-7-29 签发fn,vo:skm welcome to the real world!回复: FN之后干什么?This is a copy of a 120 days letter for who applied under Simplified Application Process:Dear Sir/Madam:This refers to the simplified application for permanent residence in Canada submitted to our office.In order to proceed with your application, we require you to submit the documents and/or information indicated on the attached list.Documents must be accompanied by a certified translation into English or French.Please note that all requested documentation should be submitted together with this letter within 120 days (dd/mm/yy) from the date of this request. Failure to submit the missing information in a timely manner may result in the refusal of your application. Should you wish to correspond with this office regarding your application, please contact us via our email address at [email protected] documents requested must be submitted in a single package. Do not submit any documents until you have prepared the entire package, except for communications concerning: Change of address or contact information, including change of e-mail address; Change of immigration representative; Request for withdrawal of your application; Submission of an Arranged Employment Opinion approved by Human Resources Development Canada.We will make a decision on your application on the basis of the documents you provide at that time:Sincerely,Visa SectionXXXXChecklistImmigration Forms An updated application form (IMM008) for yourself, signed and fully completed Schedule 1 for you, your spouse and each of your children over age 22 Additional Family Information form (IMM5406)These forms are available at:http://cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/application-regular.aspCivil DocumentsThe following documents are required (when applicable ) for yourself, your spouse, and for each of your dependent children Birth certificates Marriage certificates/Divorce certificates Child custody orders/Adoption decrees Death certificatesPolice CertificatesRecent original Police Clearance for you or your dependents aged 18 years and above, issued by the police authorities for each country in which you or your dependants have resided for six months or more since you turned 18 years.Language AbilitiesAuthorized language test results: IELTS for English. Please consult www.ielts.orgAnd/or TEF for French. Please consult www.fda.ccip.frEducationThe following documents are required for youself, your spouse, and for each of your dependent children over age 22: Official University/College or High School/Secondary transcript of marks for you and for your spouse (only tha highest qualification obtained). This document together with its certified translation into English or French must be mailed to our office by the Educational Institution.Work History Appointment/confirmation letters Pay slips issued from your present employer Detailed description of your job responsibilities (past and present)If you are self-employed, you must provide: Copies of business registration Proof of business conducted with clients, such as invoices/bills. Balance sheets Income tax returns Proof of your license to practice (if you are a private practitioner)Proof of FundsBank statements Fixed deposit receipts Securities (shares, debentures, bonds)Other Documents: Passport photocopies Proof of relationship to your relative in Canada and proof he/she is currently living in Canada (Self-sworn affidavits do not constitute satisfactory proof of relationship.) 6 Photographs for each person as per attached specifications.Best luck to all applicants!lasimo
回复: FN之后干什么?just wait and keep on learning english!
回复: FN之后干什么?看奥运会~看完学英语....
回复: FN之后干什么?DING
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