加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民no hope,no dream,just because of hongkong
today is september 1st,2008 without stage 2 , two years have passed by it seems canada is getting faraway from me. then what would happen to us: lose dream,marry a girl aranged by others,have a baby, raise up our kids in china ,wish them live a different life from us........ but they lose dream also when growing up, they have to marry a girl aranged by others,have a baby, raise up our kids in china ,wish them live a different life from us........... but they lose dream alsowhen growing up, they have to marry a girl aranged by others,have a baby, raise up our kids in china ,wish them live a different life from us........... it going on........
回复: no hope,no dream,just because of hongkong是的,看来像是香港已放弃227前的个案
The village in the city回复: no hope,no dream,just because of hongkongEN...
回复: no hope,no dream,just because of hongkong今天才第一天呢,要充满信心的等待...
Cheer up and be happy...回复: no hope,no dream,just because of hongkongI just don't understand why you "marry a girl arranged by others"
回复: no hope,no dream,just because of hongkongbaoban hunyin
回复: no hope,no dream,just because of hongkong是的,加拿大是我们向往的地方. 但看来VO的素质与中国官员也差不多.
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