加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民【关注】关于非英/法语材料的官方说明
不少S2同志们在备料过程中,对于非英/法语材料的翻译问题心存各种疑惑:到底该找谁翻?自己翻的有无效力?翻译材料要不要公正?我是在巴黎递的,提供一段加国驻法使馆给的关于此问题的官方说明,供同志们。 TRANSLATIONS I am gathering the documents required for an application to immigrate to Canada. None of my documents are in English or French. What should I do to get them translated? All documents in a language other than English or French must be translated into one or the other of these languages. The translation should be attached to a photocopy of the original document. Translations must be done by a professional translator who is not related to you and who does not work for your consultant or representative. The translations do not need to be certified. The translator may attach his or her business card. 根据加黑的这句,尽管我是做翻译的,但不能给自己翻,我的机构出具的翻译件也不行。TZ们自翻自可能就更不妥当了。BTW,以上说明是巴黎使馆的,也许适应性有限,大家参考着看。
http://www.bit.ly/lugordon看世界的脚步 。。。登陆多伦多的红宝书北京使馆的Frequently Asked Questions:10. Who can translate my documents? The translation of a document into English or French must be accurate. The document(s) may be translated by yourself or another individual. Translation by a professional agency is not required. Please know that all translations must accompany the original document(s) or notarized copies. Submitting only the translation is not acceptable.点击展开...a compliment to cyfMayflower!
http://www.bit.ly/lugordon看世界的脚步 。。。登陆多伦多的红宝书回复: 关注关于非英/法语材料的官方说明THX
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