加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民怎么香港官网的申请表和加拿大的官网的不一样
回复: 怎么香港官网的申请表和加拿大的官网的不一样?没有人顶……
回复: 怎么香港官网的申请表和加拿大的官网的不一样?找到这两个链接的网页是什么?按道理应该以移民局的网页为准。
回复: 怎么香港官网的申请表和加拿大的官网的不一样?分别是加拿大移民官网和加拿大驻香港移民使领馆官网啊
回复: 怎么香港官网的申请表和加拿大的官网的不一样?我知道,我是说那两个链接是什么。你贴出来,我好看看你有没有找错啊。
回复: 怎么香港官网的申请表和加拿大的官网的不一样?哦……就是两张申请表,现在下载,有点慢
回复: 怎么香港官网的申请表和加拿大的官网的不一样?你提到的香港的表格好像不是技术移民用的吧,你看左下角写的是generic,而且日期是2008年9月。CIC上下的表明确写明是skilled worker,日期是2006年5月
2008.11.13 递表2008.11.14 15:30:00(建国门局)已妥投 2008.11.27 12:01:00 收到FN回复: 怎么香港官网的申请表和加拿大的官网的不一样?唉,我是说,你找到这两张表,肯定不是别人给你的link,然后你直接点开看的。你肯定是先上他们网站的主页,然后一步一步找到这两个表的link的。我是问你要这两个表的link的上一级网页。这样好看看你有没有从错误的链接里找到这两张表的。我没有上过香港使馆的网站。不过从表格的数字名字来看,好像是相同的,但是表格名字却不同,而且一个是08年的,一个是06年的,而且香港的表(香港表的链接也是移民局的)好像不全啊。
回复: 怎么香港官网的申请表和加拿大的官网的不一样?香港的
回复: 怎么香港官网的申请表和加拿大的官网的不一样?唉,我是说,你找到这两张表,肯定不是别人给你的link,然后你直接点开看的。你肯定是先上他们网站的主页,然后一步一步找到这两个表的link的。我是问你要这两个表的link的上一级网页。这样好看看你有没有从错误的链接里找到这两张表的。我没有上过香港使馆的网站。不过从表格的数字名字来看,好像是相同的,但是一个是08年的,一个是06年的,而且香港的表(香港表的链接也是移民局的)好像不全啊。点击展开...哎呀,sorry啊,我比较笨,等等,我找链接。你说香港那个不全是对的,好像只是正面,还有背面的
回复: 怎么香港官网的申请表和加拿大的官网的不一样?对了,香港的这张表,应该是一张通用的表,你看第一页的最左上角,列出了好几种移民的类型,有家庭的,经济类的,还有难民类的。我觉得你找错了表了。
2008.11.13 递表2008.11.14 15:30:00(建国门局)已妥投 2008.11.27 12:01:00 收到FN回复: 怎么香港官网的申请表和加拿大的官网的不一样?http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/hongkong/immigration/swFed-en.aspx这是香港的
回复: 怎么香港官网的申请表和加拿大的官网的不一样?崩溃了,那个连接不了是把,sorry啊http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/hongkong/immigration/swFed-en.aspx
回复: 怎么香港官网的申请表和加拿大的官网的不一样?对了,香港的这张表,应该是一张通用的表,你看第一页的最左上角,列出了好几种移民的类型,有家庭的,经济类的,还有难民类的。 我觉得你找错了表了。点击展开...不是,其实我一直是用这个表的http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/skilled-simple.asp昨天发现香港的不一样,但英文不太好,没搞清楚
回复: 怎么香港官网的申请表和加拿大的官网的不一样?问题找到了,这两个都是IMM0008,但是一个是simplified的,一个是regular的。看看这个就明白了:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-how.aspSkilled workers and professionals: How to applyThere are two application processes for skilled worker applicants to Canada: * the simplified application process and * the regular application process.You must use the regular process if: * you have been lawfully admitted to Canada for a period of at least one year and you are submitting your application at the Canadian visa office in Buffalo or * you have been lawfully admitted into the United States for a period of at least one year and you are submitting your application at the Canadian visa office in Buffalo * you are a provincial nominee * you have been selected by Quebec * you are eligible for points for arranged employment.If none of the situations described above applies to you, you must use the simplified application process.还有这是你自己给的link:http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/hongkong/immigration/swFed-en.aspx"CIC has introduced a new simplified application process for federal skilled workers and business immigrants. Beginning September 1, 2006, most Federal skilled worker applicants will only be required to provide the modified application form, IMM 0008SW and processing fees at the time of application. Supporting documents will need to be provided only when the visa office is ready to assess the application.If you submit your skilled worker application to the Hong Kong Visa Office under the simplified application process, please download the application guide, forms and instructions from the CIC website. Do not submit any supporting documents. They will be returned to you."
回复: 怎么香港官网的申请表和加拿大的官网的不一样?问题找到了,这两个都是IMM0008,但是一个是simplified的,一个是regular的。看看这个就明白了:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-how.aspSkilled workers and professionals: How to applyThere are two application processes for skilled worker applicants to Canada: * the simplified application process and * the regular application process.You must use the regular process if: * you have been lawfully admitted to Canada for a period of at least one year and you are submitting your application at the Canadian visa office in Buffalo or * you have been lawfully admitted into the United States for a period of at least one year and you are submitting your application at the Canadian visa office in Buffalo * you are a provincial nominee * you have been selected by Quebec * you are eligible for points for arranged employment.If none of the situations described above applies to you, you must use the simplified application process.点击展开...侠圣就是厉害,一眼就看到了关键点。ok,那也就确认了一点,如果使用simple申请的,也就是绝大多数人使用的方式,就是使用左下角有skilled worker的,05-2006的那种。
2008.11.13 递表2008.11.14 15:30:00(建国门局)已妥投 2008.11.27 12:01:00 收到FN问题找到了,这两个都是IMM0008,但是一个是simplified的,一个是regular的。看看这个就明白了:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-how.aspSkilled workers and professionals: How to apply There are two application processes for skilled worker applicants to Canada: * the simplified application process and* the regular application process. You must use the regular process if: * you have been lawfully admitted to Canada for a period of at least one year and you are submitting your application at the Canadian visa office in Buffalo or* you have been lawfully admitted into the United States for a period of at least one year and you are submitting your application at the Canadian visa office in Buffalo* you are a provincial nominee* you have been selected by Quebec* you are eligible for points for arranged employment. If none of the situations described above applies to you, you must use the simplified application process. 还有这是你自己给的link:http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/hongkong/immigration/swFed-en.aspx "CIC has introduced a new simplified application process for federal skilled workers and business immigrants. Beginning September 1, 2006, most Federal skilled worker applicants will only be required to provide the modified application form, IMM 0008SW and processing fees at the time of application. Supporting documents will need to be provided only when the visa office is ready to assess the application. If you submit your skilled worker application to the Hong Kong Visa Office under the simplified application process, please download the application guide, forms and instructions from the CIC website. Do not submit any supporting documents. They will be returned to you."点击展开...哦……大概明白了,一般人都是用我贴的加拿大的那个表对把,谢谢啊
回复: 怎么香港官网的申请表和加拿大的官网的不一样?哦……大概明白了,一般人都是用我贴的加拿大的那个表对把,谢谢啊点击展开...对,如果你自己不满足regular的条件,也是用那个simplified的。其实两个表的链接都来自加移民局。
回复: 怎么香港官网的申请表和加拿大的官网的不一样?对,如果你自己不满足regular的条件,也是用那个simplified的。其实两个表的链接都来自加移民局。点击展开...嗯,谢谢大侠
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