加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民耳听八方--加计划加速技术移民进程


Canada plans to fast-track skilled immigrantsBy CHARMAINE NORONHA, Associated Press Writer Charmaine Noronha, Associated Press Writer ? Fri Nov 28, 11:33 pm ETTORONTO ? Canada's government said Friday that it plans to fast-track the immigration process for skilled workers in high-demand occupations, drawing criticism from the country's opposition leaders that the new rules are unfair.Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said applications for immigrants in occupations such as health, skilled trades, finance and resource extraction will be processed within a year, compared to a process that can take up to six years under the old system. Geochemists, speech language pathologists, university professors, plumbers and chefs will also be fast-tracked."The recent steps this government has taken to improve our immigration system will help ensure that Canada remains competitive internationally and responsive to labor market needs domestically," Kenney said.Opposition leaders argued the changes by the Conservative government would create two classes of immigrants, leaving less-skilled workers stuck at the back of the line.New Democrat immigration critic Olivia Chow called the government's classification of high-demand jobs absurd."One on the list is financial services. Didn't I just notice that there's a huge number of people being laid off in the financial services?" Chow said.Chow also criticized the government's plan to double the number of temporary foreign workers in five years, saying such a move would drive down wages."It's bad for the Canadian economy and it's bad for (the workers), because they cannot bring in their families and often are open to exploitation and abuse," said Chow.The Liberals drew parallels between the current reforms and an effort by the Conservative government of the 1950s to favor skilled workers ― a move that created a rift between the government and some ethnic communities. The government then backed away from the proposed reforms.

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06.7考雅5.5/6.5/6/5,06.11.27通过中介递交申请到HK,06.11.30划款,07.5.11FN,老婆有亲属,自评刚好67分,VO是LI,等待S2中......职业3112,08.12.8和15,地址栏变不可更改,估计改email。09.5.27收到确认信。09.10.10离婚,10.01.09G类6/6.5/5.5/6,分数不够了,移民路关上了大半扇门。回复: 耳听八方--加计划加速技术移民进程加拿大只是加快了从海外引入紧缺人才、AEO 持有者 和 从当地吸收留学生和工签持有者。不紧缺的从积压的案子里面选点就够了。大方向已明朗,行不行的通拭目以待

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