加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民业余文凭在官方手册中被明确肯定。
A distance learning credential is eligible for points as long as it meets the definition of a credentialas outlined in R73. If the credential is not described in terms of number of years duration (i.e.,three-year bachelor’s degree), officers should apply the definition of full-time equivalent study andknowledge that the visa office has acquired on local education institutions and credentials.
回复: 业余文凭在官方手册中被明确肯定。貌似这次改革对学历和英语要求都降低了?
我不喜欢坐而论道,这辈子也好下辈子也罢,对我们凡人而言,脚踏实地耕耘现在才是良策。回复: 业余文凭在官方手册中被明确肯定。DING!
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