加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民工作经验分数计算是38类中的才开始计么?


比如0213 computer and information system manager4年才能拿21分,是不是指当上manager后4年?还是目前是manager就可以? 现在一共工作4年,但不是从头就manager。是不是拿不满4年的分数?

回复: 工作经验分数计算是38类中的才开始计么?查看手册EG7,发现NOC列表中的职业就可以计分,并没有提到必须是38项中的。是不是可以这样理解,只要是NOC列表中的Category-0, Level-A or B的就可以计分。但是必须有一年以上的 38项中的职业在其中。

回复: 工作经验分数计算是38类中的才开始计么?自己顶

回复: 工作经验分数计算是38类中的才开始计么?听到好几种说法,其中比较主流的一个声音是, 分数仅算紧缺职业的工作经验. 这个消息来自中介. 正确性有待确认.

查看手册EG7,发现NOC列表中的职业就可以计分,并没有提到必须是38项中的。是不是可以这样理解,只要是NOC列表中的Category-0, Level-A or B的就可以计分。但是必须有一年以上的 38项中的职业在其中。点击展开...查了网站。。你这个说法好像比较正确,所以可怜的我,由于有相关工作经验为catagory c的所以分数好像不太够。。。。中介也不提醒我。。。现在已经签约了。。。 已经发信去质疑中介他们了。。 差一分。。苍天哪。。。

转身的优雅,是安之若素,是顺其自然。回复: 工作经验分数计算是38类中的才开始计么?我的更加,我是2年在一个紧缺,2年在另外一个紧缺

回复: 工作经验分数计算是38类中的才开始计么?求问到底怎么算的呀?

回复: 工作经验分数计算是38类中的才开始计么?我的更加,我是2年在一个紧缺,2年在另外一个紧缺点击展开...这不挺好的么,正好21分全拿。

回复: 工作经验分数计算是38类中的才开始计么?我的更加,我是2年在一个紧缺,2年在另外一个紧缺点击展开...你的担心不无道理 “在新法下,申请人对自己的职业的定位还是非常重要。申请人在评定自己的工作经验以前,必须要先准确地确定自己的职业,然后才能依照您从事该项职业的年份的长短,来准确地算出自己的工作经验分。例如:您全部工龄为4年,其中前3年的为“市场销售代理”,最后一年改行为“电脑程序员”。那么,如果您的申请是以“市场销售代理”作为您的职业,您的相关的工作经验就是3年,您的工作经验分将会是19分。如果您打算以“电脑程序员”作为您的申请职业,您的工作经验就是1年,您的工作经验评分将会是15分。(注意,不可以将两种不同的职业的“工龄”加在一起,一共算作四年)。”---这是我在网上看到的, 不过是道听途说,还是找专业人士问问确认吧

转身的优雅,是安之若素,是顺其自然。回复: 工作经验分数计算是38类中的才开始计么?去问问CSIC会员吧,中介对移民法案也不了解啊

回复: 工作经验分数计算是38类中的才开始计么?To be eligible for points, the applicant’s work experience must: have occurred during the 10 years immediately preceding the date of application submission; be in occupations listed in the National Occupational Classification (NOC) under Skill Type 0or Skill Level A and B; not be in an occupation that has been designated by the Minister as a restricted occupation.At the time of printing, there were no occupations designated as restricted. However, for themost up-to-date listing, officers should refer to the Department’s Web site atww.cic.gc.ca/skilled.A) One-year continuous full-time experience: this means one year in one skilled occupation todemonstrate an ability to establish oneself economically;or(B) The equivalent in continuous part-time employment in one or more occupations.In (B), this continuous part-time employment could be made up of two part-time jobs heldsimultaneously or of one part-time job held over the equivalent of one year of full-timeemployment.Once the qualifying year has been established, further experience in one or more occupationscan be calculated by adding up the number of months spent in full-time and/or part-time work inone or more of the NOC categories.Officers must: take into account both paid full-time work and paid part-time work (equalizing part-time workto full-time years) (R80(1)); consider only those occupations which the applicant has specified and for which the applicanthas provided the four-digit NOC code on their application form (R80(6));Note: While the Regulations clearly place responsibility on applicants to undertake research of the NOCand provide the NOC coding for the occupations in which they claim qualifying experience, officersare expected to exercise discretion where applicants may have made minor errors or omissions incorrelating work experience and NOC coding. not take into account whether the applicant meets the “Employment requirements”description set forth in the NOC for the occupation(s) listed; award points only if the applicant has performed the actions described in the lead statementof the particular NOC description and has performed at least a substantial number of theduties described in the “Main Duties” summary including all the essential duties (R80(3));Note: Neither the NOC nor the Regulations distinguish between “essential” and “non-essential” duties orprovide guidance as to what constitutes a “substantial number”. This is left as a matter forassessment on a case-by-case basis. If officers have concerns about whether or not the applicant hascarried out “a substantial number of the main duties…including all of the essential duties,” they shouldgive the applicant an opportunity to respond to these concerns. take into account any years of experience that occur between application and assessment,and for which the applicant has submitted the necessary documentation (R77).

回复: 工作经验分数计算是38类中的才开始计么?To be eligible for points, the applicant’s work experience must:• have occurred during the 10 years immediately preceding the date of application submission;• be in occupations listed in the National Occupational Classification (NOC) under Skill Type 0or Skill Level A and B;• not be in an occupation that has been designated by the Minister as a restricted occupation.At the time of printing, there were no occupations designated as restricted. However, for themost up-to-date listing, officers should refer to the Department’s Web site atww.cic.gc.ca/skilled.A) One-year continuous full-time experience: this means one year in one skilled occupation todemonstrate an ability to establish oneself economically;or(B) The equivalent in continuous part-time employment in one or more occupations.In (B), this continuous part-time employment could be made up of two part-time jobs heldsimultaneously or of one part-time job held over the equivalent of one year of full-timeemployment.Once the qualifying year has been established, further experience in one or more occupationscan be calculated by adding up the number of months spent in full-time and/or part-time work inone or more of the NOC categories.Officers must:• take into account both paid full-time work and paid part-time work (equalizing part-time workto full-time years) (R80(1));• consider only those occupations which the applicant has specified and for which the applicanthas provided the four-digit NOC code on their application form (R80(6));Note: While the Regulations clearly place responsibility on applicants to undertake research of the NOCand provide the NOC coding for the occupations in which they claim qualifying experience, officersare expected to exercise discretion where applicants may have made minor errors or omissions incorrelating work experience and NOC coding.• not take into account whether the applicant meets the “Employment requirements”description set forth in the NOC for the occupation(s) listed;• award points only if the applicant has performed the actions described in the lead statementof the particular NOC description and has performed at least a substantial number of theduties described in the “Main Duties” summary ? including all the essential duties (R80(3));Note: Neither the NOC nor the Regulations distinguish between “essential” and “non-essential” duties orprovide guidance as to what constitutes a “substantial number”. This is left as a matter forassessment on a case-by-case basis. If officers have concerns about whether or not the applicant hascarried out “a substantial number of the main duties…including all of the essential duties,” they shouldgive the applicant an opportunity to respond to these concerns.• take into account any years of experience that occur between application and assessment,and for which the applicant has submitted the necessary documentation (R77).

回复: 工作经验分数计算是38类中的才开始计么?熟读以上官方说明,理解一下......

回复: 工作经验分数计算是38类中的才开始计么?熟读以上官方说明,理解一下......点击展开...哪句是啊?没看出来。

回复: 工作经验分数计算是38类中的才开始计么?'Once the qualifying year has been established, further experience in one or more occupationscan be calculated by adding up the number of months spent in full-time and/or part-time work inone or more of the NOC categories.'

转身的优雅,是安之若素,是顺其自然。'Once the qualifying year has been established, further experience in one or more occupationscan be calculated by adding up the number of months spent in full-time and/or part-time work inone or more of the NOC categories.'点击展开...仍然不清楚。 adding up seperately in plural NOC categories 也是可以表述成上面的话啊。totally added together even in plural NOC categories 就是另一个意思了。 明显不严密。

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