加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民DM里没有Medical results have been received.
DM里没有Medical results have been received. 这一句。真的被拒吗??我应该发信到哪里问?
回复: DM里没有Medical results have been received.有“We started proccessing your application on ......”这句么?
Tree New Bee有“We started proccessing your application on ......”这句么?点击展开... 有啊,共有两句。。
回复: DM里没有Medical results have been received.DM中这样写着We started processing your application on September 8, 2008. A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision. 能成功吗??
回复: DM里没有Medical results have been received.如果没有体检的话就是被拒了.
回复: DM里没有Medical results have been received.如果没有体检的话就是被拒了.点击展开... 我已经体验了啊。
回复: DM里没有Medical results have been received.LZ体检了没?
If you want to be good you have to suffer it我已经体验了啊。点击展开...那问题不大,恭喜了,等着去取签吧
If you want to be good you have to suffer it回复: DM里没有Medical results have been received. 是投资移民或团聚吗?
The village in the cityDM里没有Medical results have been received. 这一句。真的被拒吗??我应该发信到哪里问?点击展开...尽管我的英语水平不咋滴,但这句话的意思好象并不是被拒的意思,应该是"体检结果已收到"吧?!别自己吓唬自己了,也别吓唬我-我的显示可是和你一模一样的呀!
回复: DM里没有Medical results have been received.DM里没有Medical results have been received. 这一句。真的被拒吗??我应该发信到哪里问?点击展开...我的DM里有Medical results have been received.
回复: DM里没有Medical results have been received.体检了应该没问题了,恭喜恭喜啊!!
回复: DM里没有Medical results have been received.我的DM里有Medical results have been received. 点击展开...也恭喜你啊!!
回复: DM里没有Medical results have been received.是投资移民或团聚吗?点击展开... 团聚的。。有分别吗?
回复: DM里没有Medical results have been received.有过DM的朋友能跟告诉我吗?你们的情况跟我一样吗?好郁闷啊..好心急..
回复: DM里没有Medical results have been received.你写信问下使馆,会不会是你的体检结果丢了?
你写信问下使馆,会不会是你的体检结果丢了?点击展开... 本人英语不是太好啊,有朋友可以帮我写下来吗?还有E-MAIL地址是????
回复: DM里没有Medical results have been received.关注中,我的状态今天变成了 Medical results have been received.A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision. 这是什么意思呢?我老婆还没寄护照给香港大使馆呢。我打电话去问移民局,一个很Nice的小姐回答我说移民局不管VISA Office的事情,要我写信或发传真给香港大使馆,我问她要地址,她就发了封邮件给我,附本如下,也许可以帮助Wing。Please do not reply to this email. Sir, Madam, Thank you for contacting the Call Centre. Following today's conversation, February 17 2009, I am pleased to provide you with the requested information: Citizenship and Immigration Canada has many visa offices located around the world. The Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong, China processes applications for:permanent residence; temporary resident visas (visitors); study permits; work permits; and travel documents for permanent residents abroad. The Internet links below will provide you with more detailed information: Description: Information for Hong Kong, China Address: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/offices/missions/hong-kong.asp Description: Web Site Address: http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/hongkong/menu-en.asp The information in this email is meant to assist you in understanding the immigration and citizenship policies and/or procedures. It is a summary of the information contained in the law. If you plan on consulting this email again at a future date, please visit our Web site to ensure that you have the most current information on our programs and policies. For any further questions, please visit our Web site at www.cic.gc.ca or contact our Call Centre at 1 888 242-2100 (8 a.m. - 4 p.m. local time). If you are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing, or you have a speech impediment and use a text telephone, you can access the TTY service by calling 1 888 576-8502 (8 a.m. - 4 p.m. local time). Don't forget about CIC's other on-line services: Download application kits and forms Inform us of a change of address Learn the status of your application. Tips for clients.
回复: DM里没有Medical results have been received.HK的case护照不需要寄给领事馆的,只需要复印件,取签的时候自己带护照去
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