加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民在线求救What is "Date of receipt at post"?
IMM0008表中第一页,右上角"Date of receipt stamp at post"是指的汇款日期吗?
回复: 在线求救What is "Date of receipt at post"?IMM0008表中第一页,右上角"Date of receipt stamp at post"是指的汇款日期吗?点击展开...签收日期。。。那个日期跟你没关系!是使馆签收你的文件后盖日期章的地方
Welcome to 申请-9/1新程序http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/skilled-simple.html9/1新程序版导读及填表问题索引9/1新程序HK统计贴回复: 在线求救What is "Date of receipt at post"?"Date of Receipt stamp at post" is the mark date mail received at post office. CIC will get it on the envelope, where the post office will mark it a date~中文為“邮戳所示的日期”
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――"Date of Receipt stamp at post" is the mark date mail received at post office. CIC will get it on the envelope, where the post office will mark it a date~中文為“邮戳所示的日期”点击展开...Professional!
Welcome to 申请-9/1新程序http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/skilled-simple.html9/1新程序版导读及填表问题索引9/1新程序HK统计贴签收日期。。。那个日期跟你没关系!是使馆签收你的文件后盖日期章的地方点击展开...THANKS A LOT.
回复: 在线求救What is "Date of receipt at post"?是使馆从邮政或快递收到你的简表哪天的日期, 因为使馆收到你的简表当天会立即盖上当天的日期, 到稍后作初步处理时便把这个日期正式写上去。 使馆写得简略了一点, 应该写成 "Date of receipt stamp at post delivery"。 这个日期便是你的“lock-in date”, 对你非常重要, 因为一旦CIC改变移民政策(例如提高通过分67分, 或改变计分制度等), 如果生效日期在你的“lock-in date” 之后, 你便不受影响, 否则你便需要依照新的制度处理。
回复: 在线求救What is "Date of receipt at post"?"Date of Receipt stamp at post" is the mark date mail received at post office. CIC will get it on the envelope, where the post office will mark it a date~中文為“邮戳所示的日期”点击展开...多谢BENKOK!
回复: 在线求救What is "Date of receipt at post"?是使馆从邮政或快递收到你的简表哪天的日期, 因为使馆收到你的简表当天会立即盖上当天的日期, 到稍后作初步处理时便把这个日期正式写上去。 使馆写得简略了一点, 应该写成 "Date of receipt stamp at post delivery"。 这个日期便是你的“lock-in date”, 对你非常重要, 因为一旦CIC改变移民政策(例如提高通过分67分, 或改变计分制度等), 如果生效日期在你的“lock-in date” 之后, 你便不受影响, 否则你便需要依照新的制度处理。点击展开...已为您加分,多谢回答!
回复: 在线求救What is "Date of receipt at post"?thanks a million
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