加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民真心的请教!!!!!!


本人是2008年的HK case,等待一年多了,因我的体检将在5月份到期,我想写封信问下使馆,但本人的英文有限,不知道如何下笔,有无高手有过这种经验的,帮帮我!!!!!谢谢

回复: 真心的请教!!!!!!没经验,帮顶,希望高手现身

回复: 真心的请教!!!!!!先把汉语的写好。让我们翻译。

回复: 真心的请教!!!!!! 本人是2008年的HK case,等待一年多了,因我的体检将在5月份到期,我想写封信问下使馆,但本人的英文有限,不知道如何下笔,有无高手有过这种经验的,帮帮我!!!!!谢谢 点击展开... Understanding you are extremely busy, I am still wondering if I can get any feedback regarding my immigration application as my medical check-up report will get expired by May, 2009. For your identification purpose, the following below is some of my personal information for your reference: Name:Date of Birth:File number: Thank you for your time and efforts that go into my application! Best regards XXXXX

回复: 真心的请教!!!!!!Understanding you are extremely busy, I am still wondering if I can get any feedback regarding my immigration application as my medical check-up report will get expired by May, 2009. For your identification purpose, the following below is some of my personal information for your reference: Name:Date of Birth:File number: Thank you for your time and efforts that go into my application! Best regards XXXXX点击展开... Or another detailed version: I am sending this note to see if I can get further news in reference to my permanent resident application as my medical check-up result is going to expire by May, 2009. If my case can be finalized before the expiry date, I am willing to land in Canada at short time notice. Appreciate the time and efforts that go into the reviewing and processing of my application. The following below is some of my personal information for your identification purpose! Name:Date of BirthFile number:country of origin Best regards XXXX If you need any further help, let me know. You can send email to my personal email address [email protected]

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