加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民非38项, FN不可查询,今天收到回信


"This refers to your recent enquiry regarding your application for permanent residence in Canada as a Federal Skilled Worker.​ Please be informed that your entire file has been transferred to the Centralized Intake Office in Sydney Nova Scotia, Canada for review. The Centralized Intake Office is responsible for assessing your application against the Ministerial Instructions issued November 28, 2008 (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/backgrounders/2008/2008-11-28a.asp). ​ This office has not retained any information on your file. As a result, we are unable to respond to any case enquiries. If you have provided us with an update for your file we have forwarded this information to the Centralized Intake Office. All further updates or enquiries on your application should be directed to the office in Sydney, Nova Scotia (address below). Should you require some changes to your file which could affect your eligibility or record a change of address, please send your information to one of the addresses below. ​ Mailing Address:Citizenship and Immigration CanadaFederal Skilled WorkerCentralized Intake OfficeP.O. BOX 7500Sydney, NS B1P 0A9Canada ​ Courier Address:Citizenship and Immigration CanadaFederal Skilled WorkerCentralized Intake Office196 George StreetSydney, NS B1P 1J3Canada ​ Due to the high volume of applications received it may take some time for your application to receive a determination. You will be contacted once a determination has been made by the Centralized Intake Office. " 请问这是什么意思阿? 是算提前受理了吗?我是2008年8月投档北京的,9月FN的。 如果提前受理,是多快啊?我还没准备阿。 明白的同志帮忙解释一下啊,谢谢!​

回复: 非38项, FN不可查询,今天收到回信我的回信和你一样。你是38的吗?

上帝赐予我工作吧!回复: 非38项, FN不可查询,今天收到回信我问了一下,也说转去了吸泥,不过给了一个新FN号

回复: 非38项, FN不可查询,今天收到回信我的回信和你一样。你是38的吗?点击展开...你是猪啊,他标题都说了非38项!

2006-09-08香港签收2007-02-08Fn还在等待S2中。。。回复: 非38项, FN不可查询,今天收到回信算了不说了

加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%...你是猪啊,他标题都说了非38项!点击展开...大瓜,你果然是只瓜---诚实的瓜,直率的瓜


上帝赐予我工作吧!回复: 非38项, FN不可查询,今天收到回信我也收到一样的信。这个不代表已经受理,只是说现在不归他们管了,都转到Syndey去了,再问任何问题都要问Syndey了。

08-4 FN,09-5 传真撤案,09-6 重新递表,09-6-11 妥投,09-7-30 RN,09-10-14补料妥投, 09-10-24 FN, 09-10-25 12, 回复: 非38项, FN不可查询,今天收到回信非38,收到退信!所以不是38的同志们都不要抱希望了,退是迟早的

回复: 非38项, FN不可查询,今天收到回信非38,收到退信!所以不是38的同志们都不要抱希望了,退是迟早的点击展开...北京的8月还没收到退信呢,CIC太蜗牛了!


上帝赐予我工作吧!回复: 非38项, FN不可查询,今天收到回信我是4月的FN,还没收到退信!所以前发了表格去北京使馆要求退案,至今没任何消息。ongaku:我也有同问,不知是否撤案信发北京还是Syndey?也不知道,如果撤案成功会收到Email翻倒是平信啊?等着有信好再申呢!

08-4 FN,09-5 传真撤案,09-6 重新递表,09-6-11 妥投,09-7-30 RN,09-10-14补料妥投, 09-10-24 FN, 09-10-25 12, 回复: 非38项, FN不可查询,今天收到回信4月份FN, 五月份申请退案....大佬您在搞啥呢, 逗移民局玩吗....

加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%...非38,收到退信!所以不是38的同志们都不要抱希望了,退是迟早的点击展开... 请问为什么不是38项就一定要退信呢?38项不38项难道不是用来决定是否优先处理的吗? 否则就是38项之外的根本不用考虑技术移民了?

回复: 非38项, FN不可查询,今天收到回信111

加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%...回复: 非38项, FN不可查询,今天收到回信----------------------------------------------------------老生常谈了所谓227新政的意思就是说38职业之外的, 不办理, 不办理, 完全不办理.不是等, 不是排队, 不是优先级低, 而是完全不办理.而38职业之内的, 加速办理. 速度从原来的平均3-5年变成1年多举例: 可以说, 227新政把国人的电脑职业方面的大门已经牢牢关闭 只留下IT Manager一个而已什么web admin, database admin, software design, software testing, network expert, hardware design, multimedia design...统统干光了.什么是227新政? 这就是227新政.不信的自己去看CIC的eligible一页.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigra.../apply-who.aspSkilled workers and professionals: Who can applySkilled workers are people who are selected as permanent residents based on their ability to become economically established in Canada.Federal skilled worker applications received on or after February 27, 2008 are now assessed for eligibility according to a set of instructions issued by the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism.You can find out more about the instructions in the Learn about section at the bottom of this page.Your application will be reviewed in three steps.1. According to the Minister’s instructions, your application is eligible for processing if:* you have an offer of arranged employment, OR* you are a foreign national who has been living legally in Canada for one year as a temporary foreign worker or an international student, OR* you are a skilled worker who has at least one year of experience in one or more of the occupations listed here. ( 38种职业 )use the eligibility tool to get an idea of whether your application would be eligible for processing, thenhttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigra...tool/index.asp不用谢.

加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%...----------------------------------------------------------老生常谈了所谓227新政的意思就是说 38职业之外的, 不办理, 不办理, 完全不办理.不是等, 不是排队, 不是优先级低, 而是完全不办理. 而38职业之内的, 加速办理. 速度从原来的平均3-5年变成1年多 举例: 可以说, 227新政把国人的电脑职业方面的大门已经牢牢关闭 只留下IT Manager一个而已什么web admin, database admin, software design, software testing, network expert, hardware design, multimedia design...统统干光了.什么是227新政? 这就是227新政. 不信的自己去看CIC的eligible一页.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigra.../apply-who.aspSkilled workers and professionals: Who can apply Skilled workers are people who are selected as permanent residents based on their ability to become economically established in Canada. Federal skilled worker applications received on or after February 27, 2008 are now assessed for eligibility according to a set of instructions issued by the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism. You can find out more about the instructions in the Learn about section at the bottom of this page. Your application will be reviewed in three steps. 1. According to the Minister’s instructions, your application is eligible for processing if: * you have an offer of arranged employment, OR* you are a foreign national who has been living legally in Canada for one year as a temporary foreign worker or an international student, OR* you are a skilled worker who has at least one year of experience in one or more of the occupations listed here. ( 38种职业 ) use the eligibility tool to get an idea of whether your application would be eligible for processing, thenhttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigra...tool/index.asp 不用谢.点击展开...

回复: 非38项, FN不可查询,今天收到回信我是4月的FN,还没收到退信!所以前发了表格去北京使馆要求退案,至今没任何消息。ongaku:我也有同问,不知是否撤案信发北京还是Syndey?也不知道,如果撤案成功会收到Email翻倒是平信啊?等着有信好再申呢!点击展开...有同志是撤案信北京和Syndey都发的。1个多月才收到Syndey平信。

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