加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民jason kenney的访问原话


只贴与我们相关的。Minister Jason Kenney speaking in parlament)CI: What happens with all the people who applied before Feb. 27, 2008, and still have to wait for six or more years for their application to be processed?JK: They’re all guaranteed that they will be processed in the same order in which their application was received. It’s that any future applicants, as of February 2008, who don’t fall within the 38 categories will get a letter shortly indicating that they don’t qualify for the identified occupations in the skilled worker program, but we will point out to them other programs for which they can apply, including the provincial nominee programs and temporary foreign workers programs.CI: How long do you think it will take to remove the backlog or at least reduce it by 50 per cent?JK: I guarantee you, that in 2009, this will be the first time in 15 years that we begin to see the backlog start to go down, rather than up. It’s been going up relentlessly since 1993; 2009 will be the year that we turn the corner. It won’t be dramatic in the short term. But our projections are that we can reduce the backlog by a third within the next three to four years. And that’s significant given the size.If we did not take action, the backlog would be cresting over a million files in this calendar year. We didn’t want to go past that psychological breaking point, of a million files in the queue. I’m very optimistic ― no, I’m more than optimistic ― I’m 100 per cent confident that we will begin to see the numbers go down. (Mr. Kenney with Vietnamese Community in Vancouver)

2009,11月ME2010,1.25 mer2010,2,3 pl赞反馈:nancyhy284, 大胃贝克汉姆, daisydai 和 4 其他人 2009-08-04#2 推开窗户看热闹 1,641 $0.00 回复: jason kenney的访问原话来个中文的,看英文是真不习惯!

__________________________________浮生若寄谁非梦; 到此能安即是家。I am w....................aitting !!!回复: jason kenney的访问原话好的,这才是传说中的好帖!

回复: jason kenney的访问原话still have six or more years ! 5555!

回复: jason kenney的访问原话这只是个笼统的进度,并不适合所有的地区,比如北京。。。,希望香港也不适合。。。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: jason kenney的访问原话移民局的新老大?

回复: jason kenney的访问原话thanks a lot.

06.7考雅5.5/6.5/6/5,06.11.27通过中介递交申请到HK,06.11.30划款,07.5.11FN,老婆有亲属,自评刚好67分,VO是LI,等待S2中......职业3112,08.12.8和15,地址栏变不可更改,估计改email。09.5.27收到确认信。09.10.10离婚,10.01.09G类6/6.5/5.5/6,分数不够了,移民路关上了大半扇门。赞反馈:C2C 2009-08-04#8 A 1,168 $0.00 回复: jason kenney的访问原话But our projections are that we can reduce the backlog by a third within the next three to four years。。。。。不会吧,那我们不是有可能还要等上三四年?

回复: jason kenney的访问原话只贴与我们相关的。Minister Jason Kenney speaking in parlament)CI: What happens with all the people who applied before Feb. 27, 2008, and still have to wait for six or more years for their application to be processed?JK: They’re all guaranteed that they will be processed in the same order in which their application was received. It’s that any future applicants, as of February 2008, who don’t fall within the 38 categories will get a letter shortly indicating that they don’t qualify for the identified occupations in the skilled worker program, but we will point out to them other programs for which they can apply, including the provincial nominee programs and temporary foreign workers programs.CI: How long do you think it will take to remove the backlog or at least reduce it by 50 per cent?JK: I guarantee you, that in 2009, this will be the first time in 15 years that we begin to see the backlog start to go down, rather than up. It’s been going up relentlessly since 1993; 2009 will be the year that we turn the corner. It won’t be dramatic in the short term. But our projections are that we can reduce the backlog by a third within the next three to four years. And that’s significant given the size.If we did not take action, the backlog would be cresting over a million files in this calendar year. We didn’t want to go past that psychological breaking point, of a million files in the queue. I’m very optimistic ― no, I’m more than optimistic ― I’m 100 per cent confident that we will begin to see the numbers go down. (Mr. Kenney with Vietnamese Community in Vancouver)点击展开...至少消息比较客观真实!

1、2005.9.28考ys;2005.10.07签约加成.2006.3.?递料香港,中间被退;2006.7.?再次递料香港2、fn:2006.10.10,vo:lsl; 3、补料:2007.12.10收到补料的信,vo变成mac;09.6.2收确认信,2010.5.28日签me!2010.6.15体检.2011.3.16收到pl回复: jason kenney的访问原话不知香港是否是积案最多的地方?

回复: jason kenney的访问原话Thanks!

回复: jason kenney的访问原话Thanks a lot!

在研究人体、探索生命的过程中,记录下诸多真实现象, 为什么会有这些现象产生?生命是否还有更多的秘密没有揭开?Http://www.hlch.org/回复: jason kenney的访问原话

回复: jason kenney的访问原话“as of February 2008, who don’t fall within the 38 categories will get a letter shortly indicating that they don’t qualify for the identified occupations in the skilled worker program,”question:227后与符合职业要求的不是直接被退了吗?我们收到的短信怎么没解释

回复: jason kenney的访问原话They’re all guaranteed that they will be processed in the same order in which their application was received.227之前提交申请的保证按他们递料的先后顺序审理。It’s that any future applicants, as of February 2008, who don’t fall within the 38 categories will get a letter shortly indicating that they don’t qualify for the identified occupations in the skilled worker program, but we will point out to them other programs for which they can apply, including the provincial nominee programs and temporary foreign workers programs.只是227之后的如不在38种职业内申请后会很快收到使馆的信,告知:他们不符合技术移民条件,但可以申请其它项目,包括省提名和境外临时工项目。

回复: jason kenney的访问原话感谢分享!

2011年11月12日登陆多伦多,现在找工作中......回复: jason kenney的访问原话到底是福,是祸???天知道......

回复: jason kenney的访问原话至少这个是移民政策紧缩一来,最明确的答复。不过,希望HK可以尽快启动了。

温哥华的新生活啊……准备给妈妈做个super visa玩……赞反馈:C2C 和 大胃贝克汉姆 2009-08-05#19 H 1,048 $0.00 回复: jason kenney的访问原话But our projections are that we can reduce the backlog by a third within the next three to four years.跟偶粤语翻译帖子说的一样

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